Sunday, June 20, 2010

About dog shedding?

my beagle 5yrs old,...shed her hair noticeably than before, why is that? and is it okey to brush her though she shed a lot? will she be bald if i stroke her continuously till i satified my combing?please advise

About dog shedding?

Sounds like she's just shedding some of her coat because summer is coming.

About dog shedding?

i doubt it. it probaly is just loosing fur because its hot. if not maybe you should consider take her to the vet

About dog shedding?

"Shedding is a natural loss of hair in dogs that allows the new coat to come in. All dogs shed; some more then others. There is no such thing as a non-shedding dog, unless you have a completely hairless dog, such as the American Hairless Terrier, however shedding varies greatly from breed to breed.

The majority of breeds that are considered "very light shedders" are usually the breeds that need to be clipped, stripped and/or scissored. Because their hair falls out at a much slower rate, if they are not properly groomed they are prone to matting.

Some breeds have a seasonal shedding season in the spring, as their winter coats are lost. But if your dog is an indoor dog it may not be outside enough for the dog's body to register the change of season, so he may shed all year round.

Today dogs are bred mostly as companions and some breeds are not meant to live outdoors, so do not start leaving your dog outside all day long in hopes to stop the shedding. Longhaired dogs may appear to shed more, but it is really just the length of their hair that gives that illusion.

What can you do to reduce shedding?

Some dogs shed a lot. What can you do to help get the hair loss under control? Grooming is the key. Keeping in mind that the hair is going to fall out either way and it is best to remove it yourself and throw it in the trash, then to let the hair fall out naturally all over your house.

The more hair YOU remove the less you will see it all over your house. Brushing your dog once a day will greatly reduce the unwanted hair all over your clothes, carpet and furniture, especially during shedding season.

There are products that can help you remove all the dead hair in a few grooming sessions, leaving less hair to fall out inside your house. During the shedding season, if you do not remove the shedding winter coat, you will most likely see it falling all out all over your house for about a period of a month or so.

There are physical problems that can cause large, abnormal amounts of shedding such as ringworm, skin infections, stress, mange and cancer. It is not normal for your dogs coat to thin as the dog gets older. If your dog's hair loss is abnormal you will see bald spots. If you see bald spots or you think your dog is shedding abnormally, take your dog to the vet. "

About dog shedding?

yes its fine to brush here that gets more hair from her coat. they are getting rid of there winter coat. my one cat sheds to and she looks good when i brush her,

About dog shedding?

If your dog is healthy, and not losing her hair because of a health problem, you can safely brush until your heart's content! Brushing a lot can actually minimize shedding. Beagles are known to shed quite a bit, but you did mention that she's shedding now more than normal. Dogs do tend to shed a lot as the weather gets warmer; they're getting rid of their thicker winter coats. However, an abnormal or non-gradual increase in shedding can point to many different problems, ranging from a simply diet issue, to more difficult things, such as a thyroid problem, or digestive complications. If her shedding has increased more so than it has in previous spring/summer seasons, I would get her into the vet just to be sure. Once she's been given a clean bill of health, you can be sure that her shedding is simply nature, rather than a health issue. Good luck!

It also may be good to know that most groomers (and some vets) have anti-shed treatments for dogs. Look into these, and after making sure that the treatment does not involve chemicals (which can be harmful for your pet) I would look into making an appointment for your dog. If kept up properly, most of these anti-shed deals actually work.

About dog shedding?

make sure to feed good quality food like iams or eukanuba. have her thyroid checked. use a shed rake it looks like a saw blade bent in half. with a handle. give the dog a good bath and brush with bristle brush while soapy. brush dog several times after you bathe her,while she's wet. give dog "dermacaps" vitamen e supplement. rake hair backwards then forwards. be patient shedding season will take a while. hope i helped, debi

About dog shedding?

She might be shedding more because she is losing her winter coat as summer is warmer, and she doesn't need all that extra hair.

It could also be a sign of a medical condition, but I wouldn't worry too much unless her skin seems irritated, or if she develops bald spots.

It is definitely okay to brush her even though she sheds a lot. If you brush her a lot outside, or in the bathroom or something, then you won't have to deal with all her hair all over everything.

No, she won't be bald if you continue combing her, only the hair that is supposed to come out will come out when you brush her.

Another suggestion I have is to buy a new brush for her. If you go to your local pet store, you'll find some special combs made just for dogs that shed a lot.

Good luck with your shedding beagle! :D

About dog shedding?

Uhm.. No, i dont think so.. Because your dog is already shedding.. Just keep an eye on her..=)

About dog shedding?

yes, you need to comb her very often until she has completed this stage. I have a pug, which sheds horrible, shes actually still shedding a winter coat, I am continuously combing her everyday...

About dog shedding?

You need to have a scraping done for mites.

Shedding is common, but unusual profuse shedding is usually caused by a parasite either fleas (scratching) or mites.

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

I have two shar-pei's and my male just sheds like crazy. I've heard of a product called the furminator, and I'm wondeirng who out there has used it. Does it really reduce pet hair 60-80% If not I dont want to waste my money. Thanks!

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

The furminator is actually one of the best tools out there thats actually worth your money.I'm a dog groomer and I ordered one about a year ago,I now have 5 of them.My clients cannot believe how much the shedding on their dogs has decreased.I actually charge $20 on top of the grooming price to use this.This tool is clients come in every 4 weekks religously to have this done,after the 4th time there is literally no shedding compared to how they shed before I'm not sayin by any means that it stop shedding 100%,but its definetly worth your money

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

Have you checked out the videos on this site? They have me convinced.! Especially the video of the Lab.

Here's the cheapest one I've found%26gt;

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

Hmm I've never heard of the furminator until now. It looks convincing, but I would also like to know of someone who has used it!~

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

I am a groomer and I had never heard of the 'Furminator' before. Looks like it removes alot of the dead undercoat. I will definitely give it a try

Serious answers only, has anyone ever gotten their dog furminated? Does it really work?

wow a repackaged hand stripper at 3 times the price. Yes it will work, you have to be careful not to catch the skin on your Sharpei. You may want to just buy a hair stripper for 20-30 instead of speending 50 on the marketing hype around this one.

FOR THE GUYS 10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog?

1. If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public.

2. No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older.

3. Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a bath every day, and you don't even have to comb your own hair.

4. Having a wet nose is considered a sign of good health.

5. No one thinks less of you for passing gas. Some people might actually think you're cute.

6. Who needs a big home entertainment system? A bone or an old shoe can entertain you for hours.

7. You can spend hours just smelling stuff.

8. No one ever expects you to pay for lunch or dinner. You never have to worry about table manners, and if you gain weight, it's someone else's fault.

9. It doesn't take much to make you happy. You're always excited to see the same old people. All they have to do is leave the room for five minutes and come back.

10. Every garbage can looks like a cold buffet to yo

FOR THE GUYS 10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog?

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... good question i gave you a star he he

being a dog would be cool i wouldent need a toilet

and yahhhh althogh mating is a big problem its not at alll

pleasure bel and the flees not two comphy ether fix those problems and im fixing me a dog potion or goin to the local wizard that you find so often mabe i can ask my mom to borrow here lamp

he he gigle gigle

FOR THE GUYS 10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog?

Sounds almost the same as being single.

FOR THE GUYS 10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog?

Thank you. That was a pleasant entertaining story. =D

FOR THE GUYS 10 Reasons Why It's Great to be a Dog?

sounds like somthing we can all look forward to in our old age!

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

He licks himself, his bed while he's lying in it, furniture, people, etc. And, I mean ALOT! - he will lick the whole area where he is going to nap at before he lays down. Is this normal or a breed issue - he's a Shiba Inu. I'm worried about him getting sick from cleaning products or even hair - he coughes up fur balls like a cat! Any suggestions?

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

We have a male shiba and he does the same thing, drives us nuts! And gross when I sit on a wet spot! :-P

Ask your vet though. Could be allergies. We had a female that had VERY bad allergies and they got SO out of hand that she ended up having to be 'put down' because we couldn't control them :o( She was allergic to 40+ things we found out after taking her to a 'dog dermatoligist' (and $4000 later!) and also that 12 is a 'normal' range (she was 48 I think!)

Simple human benadryl is what we give. (half of a little pink pill) and it helps our male in the summer. Just talk to a vet and get it under control b4 it gets out of control, because it's not a fun trip! (nor cheap- and we lost our fur baby from it!!!!)

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

Having his tongue removed springs to mind........

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking? grandpa's dog does the same thing except he dont cough up hair balls! his dog is a chiwahwah or however u spell it! just when u find out tell me! lol

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

Yikes! I'd be worried too!

You could try spraying everything with Bitter Apple or Natures Miracle Best behavior.

You could also try hairball meds if he has a hard time with the furballs. My cat loves the Pounce hairball treats...

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

Call the dog whisperer...he is excellent at helping compulsive dogs.

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

Go buy some Bitter Apple.Spray it on him,his bed,and anything you see him licking.The constant licking is now a habit that he is addicted to and can't break.The Bitter Apple spray really works well with most dogs. I have even sprayed it on my kids hands to keep wild puppy bites at bay! You will also want to replace his licking with a more acceptable behavior. Get him things he can mouth on like rawhide treats or other dog chew toys.

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

put a little mustard on it

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

bitter apple works great but its hard when hes licking people whenever he does this look him in the eye and in a firm voice tell him no. if you do this constintly it will reduce greatly

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

I have a female papillion and she does licking all the time. She will lick the air, the couch, herself, everything.

We just found out that my dog is allergic to something around the house, we dont know what yet but are in the process of getting the tests.

*Most dog owners often scold their dog for scratching too much. Any obsessive behavior your dog demonstrates, such as constant scratching, chewing, licking, requires immediate attention. Never assume that this is just a new habit your dog picked up. Dog allergies can make your dog very uncomfortable.

Aside from scratching, some of the other symptoms dogs can experience are:



eye and nose discharge

Itching around the anus

hair loss

loss of appetite

pawing at their ears or head shaking



breathing problems

I hope this answer your question.

If its not allergies it could be just a taste that the dog likes. Some dogs really enjoy tasting things, salt in particular.

good luck

Is there anyway to stop or lessen my dog's constant licking?

idk. But my dog does it too but not quite THAT bad. We're thinking about doggie prozac. Or maybe doggie Ritalin.

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

I have a black Flatcoat Retriever. He is like a black Lab with a thick coat of hair, fussy ears and a fussy tail (for those of you unfamilure with Flatcoat Retrievers). He is still under 1 year old so I just think it is his immaturity and excitement. When I put the leash on him he wants to grab part of it with his mouth and tug on it. What can I do to stop this?

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

LMAO,, we who show goldens , border collies, and aussies encourage our dogs to play with the leash to relieve stress.. in your case,, when he tugs on the leash say UT UH and then make him sit. when he realizes the walk will not continue he will get the idea..

FYI leash walks are not going to cut it with a Flat COat,,, they are high energy hunting dogs,, you need to let him run loose ( provided he is trained and you have a large field or trails in the woods to walk on) other wise,, play tennis ball fetch with him for a long time..

you may be interested in akc retriever /hunting trials /tests,, fun sport. you will meet many people there and your dog will have a fun time doing what he was bred to do

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

find an enclosed dog park and let him off his leash for a little while

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

I know I had this problem with my black lab. It is a common puppy-thing and will grow out of it, if you really want to stop it then you should try a harness? they hook on to the back so he cannot reach it, and also consider getting a stop-pull harness because when he gets older, he will pull. Not all dogs do pull but unless your tracking then use a non-pull harnesses.

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

Go to a pet store and purchase a product called I believe "Bitter's" The pump action spray leaves a bitter taste on your beloved animal and it only take one or maybe three times of your pet to taste it on the leash to learn quickly not to do this. Since he is under 1 year old, he is experimenting with all sorts of new experiences. You can also use this safely on your homes table legs, chair legs etc. He is probably getting used to a leash - over time Retriever's which are very smart will learn!! That is why they call them Retrievers - they were originally bred to retrieve - not be led....Give it a try and Good Luck!!

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

Take yourself and him to a good training class and learn how to properly train your dog. This is simply one thing he is doing that you can't control so he will grow up continuing to be out of control since you don't know how to train him. Most of dog training is actually training the person properly teach him and you aren't well trained :) It isn't his immaturity or excitement, it is your inability to train him properly... Good luck..

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

It sound like you need to teach him to walk on a leash. Here are some steps.

1.The training for this should always be outdoors. He should be wearing a comfortable collar. Let him look at and smell the leash then attach it to his collar.

2.With him on your left hold the leash and a treat in your right hand. Your left hand holds the slack of the leash ready to slide down to his collar. Tell him to sit.

3.Begin to walk with your left foot first. As he walks beside you give the command heel. If he jumps forward slide your left hand down to his collar and pull back.

4.When he is in the heel position give him the treat and praise him. Then tell him to sit. Slowly increase the distance you cover as he obeys the commands.

5.Once he is walking to heel and sits obodiently, you can train him to turn right. Guide him around to the right with your left hand and give him the command heel.

6.To make a left turn increase your own speed and hold a treat in front of his nose to slow him down. Keep him close to your left leg and give the command steady as he slows down.

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

try a non pull harness they cant reach the leash in the back but you have a high enegry dog on your hands so try a big fenced in yard and a nice dog park if your dog isnt agressive

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

What has started as excitement/playfulness and immaturity has turned into him having trained you to let him pull and tug on the lead. I would not put up with this, he is making his own rules up.

Everytime he goes to tug you give a tug back on the lead and shout in a deep voice 'NO!' and stop walking, as soon as he is calm and not grabbing the lead, you carry on the walk, he will catch on after a few times, probably chance his luck, but just be consistent. The main thing is to be quick, try if you can to do this as he turns to the lead before he actually does it but has the intent. If you are a split second late and he already is biting the lead then just do the exact same thing.

being consistent is key to sucess as he is already in the habit. If this fails you can spray pet corrector spray as he does it but this can be hard when you are trying to hold the lead correctly etc

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

My cat has feline leukemia and has recently chewed all the hair and skin off the back of one of his legs. I have been thru this a thousand times, but I do not have the $ to take him to the vet...and I have some puppy antibiotics left over. Any suggestions?

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

i think u would have to feline specific antibotics, some antibotics can be used for both dogs and humans and im sure if same for cats, but u would need to know which ones are safe to give, if the medicine u give isnt suitable for cats it could be lethal . vets would be best option, if u cant afford , maybe try ring him and ask his advice maybe wont charge u for over fone. it would be great idea to use some tablets u dont know are for ur cat. firstly , dog tablets may not even help ur cat make her better, or worse , it may make it sicker. dont want to freak u out but cant mess around with pets health without knowing consequences

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

no can hurt him

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

u could,, but its a rick

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

Absolutely not!

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

Antibiotics will not help. Feline Leukemia is a problem with his immune system and it is something he will never get rid of. It is dangerous to give animals medication that was not prescribed for them. Your cat needs to see a vet...if you do not have the money then maybe you should try to find him a home that can afford to help him.

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

No, since the medicine is only proven to work in dogs instead of cats. Here's a prime example: Remember that episode of Malcom in the Middle when Dewey had to watch that fat guy's cat? Dewey was trying to intimidate the cat to take it's ear mite meds. So Dewey puts a drop in his ear and it hurts like hell and drives the cat out of the house.

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

No. That medication was prescribed for your dog. It was made specifically to help dogs. It could just make it worse.

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

no, the dosage would be way too high, the antibiotic may not even be good for cats

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

Talk to the Vet about it.

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

It's possible that the anti-biotic could be safe for kitties.

What you should do is call the vet and see if they recommend a dose for it. If not, see if they can give you the name of a med that is kitty approved.

It may be cheaper to pick it up at a human pharmacy instead of the vet.

If you have a good relationship with this vet, they should be aware of the cost/stress of having a special needs pet. Hopefully they can work with you.

Can I give my 13 yo cat my dog's anbibiotic?

don't give your CAT antibiotics meant for a dog!

my friends mother did this once (purely by accident because she kept their meds next to each other) %26amp; it almost killed the cat!!!!

call your vet, explain what's going on with your cat! if need be, let your vet know you don't have the $ right now but your cat needs care...

one of my kitties had an itchy area on her shoulder a few years ago %26amp; what the vet told me to use was the same meds my dad used for his psoriasis...however, i didn't use it until it was ok'd by the vet

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

what kind of dog should i get?

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

You want a labrador retreiver. Big, neat and very playful.

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

The kind who won't puke up the peanut butter when I'm not there.

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

so perverted. LOL

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

my "HOT-DOG"

I like them big, with their hair neatly trimmed and really playful?

I have a nice chocolate lab for you.. TAKE HIM PLEASE!

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

There actually is a Sound Zoological Reason.

First Correct Answer gets a Cookie and a Glass of Milk......

However, You have to Dig it out of the Garbage Can out Back at 3:00 AM as Loudly as Possible and Disturb the Dog while Doing it while Throwing as much Trash around the Yard as Possible!


How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

Actually, the "correct" answer you posted is NOT CORRECT!

Easiest explanation is there are plenty of monkeys that have prehensile tails (often much stronger than opussums) which have plenty of fur over them.

So what's the REAL reason opussums do not have hair on their tails? Thermoregulation.

Their tail is used to help regulate their body temperature (thermoregulation). Opussums have a very low body temperature (which makes them quiet resistant to many diseases). One of the ways they maintain this very low body temperature is all the heat loss via their hairless tail. With all the blood vessels and lack of hair, it's a simply excelent way for the opposum to keep their body cool. Their average body temperature is 95 degrees.

So sorry, you had the answer WRONG. Might want to correct yourself!


Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

Active wildlife study over 40 years

"Amateurish Person," huh? That kind of amusing...the first time I've been called that in fact.

My Mother use to work at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I grew up around all kinds of wildlife, and with all kinds of wildlife professionals. I learned simply by being around all kinds of people who were leading in the field of animals studies.

When I grew up and went off to college at Central Washington University, I was simply facinated in Biology class. I already knew more in some area of biology than the Prof. did, but I still learned a great deal from her.

She and I actually became good friends, and I did a lot of extra carricular studies with her. It was a great deal of fun to have access to some of the areas of the college the students do not normally have access to. Not so much fun to go near the chimpanzees though...nasty creatures, who fling poo, spit, and fling food (those would be the famous sign language chimps). Anyway, one of the projects I did with the Prof was actually disecting a lab rats tail (many, many lab rats at the college), and a road kill opossums tail we managed to locate (more skunks in Eastern WA, so road kill opossums are harder to come by). Other than the prehensile muscles, their circulatory system in their tail is almost identical to a rats. Rats are of course designed to keep cool via their tails.

Here's a link to some rather graphic picture of a tail disection of an opossum:

Quiet facinating, and if you know what you're looking at in the anatomy, you can tell how their tail helps keep them cool. More facinating it to have a rat and opossum tail side by side.

Of course even more fun and interesting was being able to compare the tiny opossum foot with it's oposable thumb to a human cadaver hand (I was unfortunatly not allowed to do anything with the human cadaver hand since it was too valuable to the medical students, but I was shown how it all worked).

I have never stopped learning and seeking knowledge, often on odd animal topics. To this day, I usually read at least a book a day, in my quest for knowledge. Instead of calling me "Amateurish," I instead sugest you seek out the wonderful oprotunities I've had in my life to gain some really amazing insightes into the natural world.

I stand by my answer, because it IS correct.

That you Jeff for what you said. I'll even agree with you that people latch onto their ideas, and theories.

I do however still stand by the fact that the MAIN reason an opossums tail is hairless is because their tail is a big part of their cooling system. Evolution favored the opossum with the lower body temperature, making them very disease resistant.

Having no hair on the UNDERSIDE of the tail is also a gripping advantage for prehensile animals. It does not explain why the rest of the tail is bare however (because of their cooling system).

Yet another evolutionary advantage to having a hairless tail is the lack of parasites that can attach themselves and cause the animal missery or illness. No fleas, no ticks on an opossums tail.

Yet a fourth reason is because the opossum is an omnivore. Omnivore animals have a much greater range of foods they eat (making them more sucessful in evolution). However having to try out this wide range of foods means you can have a few problems when eating something that does not agree with you. Diahrea, of course. Having a nearly hairless tail would make it ever so much easier to keep clean, and would also keep it from becoming "glued" to the animals butt if they got quiet ill. Evolution would favor this.

If anyone has ever seen a sheep with an undocked tail that got diahrea, it's tail became "glued" to it's rump, and was now dying of fly strike and massive rotten flesh in the rear end would know exactly what I'm talking about (see it in calves too, very sad).

So really there is a whole neat range of reasons the opossum does not have (much) hair on it's tail. The main reason though is that cooling system, which makes them much less prone to diseases other animals contract.

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

An Opossum. And it's probably because it's scales, not skin.

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

So he can beat someone silly!

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

and that would make it better to hang upside down on a tree limb !!!!

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

sorry but opossums actually do have hair on their tails.

its not like hair all over their body but its bristley hairs that are clearish in color

yes they have prehensile tails but the adults cant really support their weight by hanging on them. they weigh too much.

however they can carry materials with their tails

How Come.........A Opossum has no Hair on it's Tail?

Yes but it could have hair on top and sides like the new world monkeys or several australian and Papua New Guenea marsupials that have prehensile tails as well (yes there are marsupials there too).

On the other hand the animals with prehensile tails do not have hair on the undersides.

Sorry just thought I would throw a fly in the ointment (LOL)

Real reason? No one really knows for sure. There is a theory it is thermoregulation. Possibly, however, this seems extreme since opossums usually move around at night in cooler temps and frequently come out in winter (Anyone ever seeing dozens work their way out of the insides of a frozen cow carcass in January know this for a fact).

Bohemian girl may be correct. She certainly does know her wildlife and I would not call her 'amateurish', I would rate her knowledge of wildlife in the top twenty or perhaps even the top ten of the current contributors here. However many biologists (even the best of us) like to give more credit to their personal beliefs and ideas than actually due.

In actuallity the hairless tail is probably an adaptation for both purposes not one or the other.

Best air filter for pet hair/dander?

I have a white dog, mutt, part husky.. and her fur gets everywhere. it's not even summer yet, so it's only going to get much worse. i vacuum every day. it still gets on/under/behind furniture, behind things, etc. Is there a good air filter/purifier that I can buy to hopefully suck up some of that airborne fur before it sticks to carpet/furniture? and i know pet dander is invisible and gets in the air and on stuff too, so i'd feel better if i had an air filter running. I can't spend much more than $100 on this filter.

Best air filter for pet hair/dander?

Save up your $$$ and get a better vacuum. Dysons are great for pet hair. They're expensive, but you'll have it for YEARS.

Best air filter for pet hair/dander?

The ionic breeze is over your budget but really is a great air purifier.

Also, I'd reccomend the FURminator. It's a type of slicker brush that will get your dog's under coat under control. You'll be amazed at how much fur this thing gets out of his coat (it doesn't cut or pull, just grabs every last loose hair). That will help your hair/shedding problem more than an air purifier.

I had a friend who used it (outside) on his lab- it got out oodles of fur! And the birds love it for nesting season.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

he is a small puppy has long ears and kind od curly hair he loves to play and hates to be alone, he is really friendly

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Errm... ask a vet! If anyone should know, it's a vet... unless he/she is blind!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

ask the breeder! they should know what dog it is! or maybe its a cross!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

i think the vet wouldnt tell you fibs. and if you love it does it matter?

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Poodles and Maltese are very differnt animals, do you have some type of crossbreed? I would rely on the Vets word, If you are still uncomfortable with the idea, ask yourself? DO I love the dog Does it really matter what specific breed (S) he or she is?

If you still want to see more info? try the links below.

I am assuming you have a toy poodle? Either or your dog will love you anyway so enjoy your canine companion/ friend~

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Why did you get a dog that you don't know what it is? Surely you were told when you bought it, what it was!! So long as its healthy and happy does it matter anyway?

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Get the pedigree papers and have dna tests done. The Kennel Club can check the paternity and confirm the blood line in the same way as you can with humans. You will then know the breed of your dog. If it was sold to you as a pedigree Maltese, but the blood test shows mixed breed or different breed, you can sue the breeder for misrepresenting the breed of dog they sold you. This can be quite expensive.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

stick your finger up its bottom. if it barks then its a maltese - if it squeels like a pig then its a poodle.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Are you sure your puppy is purebred or a mix? Have you ever tried looking onto the AKC website? They have all the known registered and recognized breeds on that site and give some very good information about the breeds also. They also have pictures of the different breeds to help you compare the pups with yours.

Hope this helps and good luck with your new puppy! Sounds too cute! :-)

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Based on the description, it could be either one. If the dog isn't white, it's a poodle. It could also be a poodle-maltese cross. I say trust your vet...they see a lot of puppies and would be the best judge of the breed.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

what are d ears? long erect ones well thats maltese, if its droopy long ones thats a poodle, maltese has strait hair, poodle has curly hair, maltese grows only 10 to 12 inches, and with similar built as shitzu, almost snubbed nose, but with a little snout, if urs is a bit taller, with longer legs, and curly hair, with long ears thats a poodle... the question only is that is it a toy poodle or a poodle. but not a maltese. we own and breed maltese

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

The main give away is that you say that your puppy had curly hair and Maltese dogs have straight hair this isn't to say that your puppy's hair won't change. I have a Bichon Frise which looks almost identical to a Maltese pup and she had really cute straight hair and as she got older it went really curly so you can't tell until there get their adult coat. Maltese dogs are also very small so the size will give it away too. You should also talk to your breeder if you bought him from a breeder. I would love to see if a picture of him. Send me a pic and i might be able to tell you from that.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

You ***CAN'T***!!!

It's a MUTT/MONGREL!! That's *IT*!!!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

maltese have straight hair not curly,the vet should know.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

try looking for pictures on the internet for both breeds and compare them but unfortunitly vets are very rarly wrong when it comes to breeds and does it matter anyway as long as you love the dog thats what counts. but on the other side if you brought a pedigree maltese and it looks like a poodle somethings wrong it could also be a cross between both breeds and show characteristics of both breeds hense the confusion

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?


I need moisture in my hair!?

perm went frizzy because my dog knocked the rollers wierdly and it looked like i had been dragged through a hedge backwards. i washed it out and it is wavy now and looks quite nice, and also it is beautiful and shiny, but it is a little dry to touch. has anyone got any good ideas how to style and keep it moist?

I need moisture in my hair!?

There's some stuff called Aussie 3 minute miracle and it works really well to moisturize, heat it with the blowdryer but don't dry it. I use Nexxus on my hair, it cost about 35 dollars for the conditioner and 20 -25 for the shampoo, and it keeps my hair salon condition.

I need moisture in my hair!?

use anti frizz serum

I need moisture in my hair!?

Frizz ease intensive range. there is an oil and a deep conditioner. They are great and reasonably priced. Use once a week. I have used them since having my hair permanently straightened last year.

I need moisture in my hair!?

Mayonnaise is very good for deep treating your hair, wash it out well though.

I need moisture in my hair!?

Use honey. work it into your hair just like shampoo, then let it sit for 5 minuets then rinse it out in the shower. It helps a lot with moisturizing and honey has a lot of proteins and enzymes that are good for your hair and scalp. The enzymes in honey are particularly good for the health of your hair follicles.

I need moisture in my hair!?

Condition every time you wash, then stop getting perms. It's 2007, not 1987.

I need moisture in my hair!?

check the links below for * Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Haircare Recipes

I need moisture in my hair!?

Perming takes the protein and moisture out of hair - you need to replace the broken protein bonds with Redken CAT Protein Treatment - I would then recommend Redken Addictive Hair Transformer to moisturise your hair. MOP Glisten Shine Drops or Shine Pomade will leave your hair shiny without weighing it down (look on t'internet for stockists). You need a treatment product rather than a cosmetic one - bit pricier but they will save your hair.



I need moisture in my hair!?


For hair with lacking moisture Redken Clear Moisture

I need moisture in my hair!?

try the OJON restorative hair treatment available on QVC. It worked wonders on my straw like hair and left it sleek and manageable .

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

I own a 4 yr. old Boxer pup. He has a itchy problem across his whole body. he's had it since he's been about 6 months. He has loss of hair and blad spots on his body. Everyday I have to give him a 20mg tab. of predizone. The vet can't seem to figure out whats wrong with him, and I have tried everything from changing foods to giving him med. baths. I'm a little lost on what to do for him, i don't like seeing him like this!! Anybody with advise please answer. Thanks!!

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

If you haven't already, have him checked for mange, ringworm and allergies. Allergy testing can be expensive, so it's usually not the first thing that gets done, but it can be the only way to get to the bottom of things. It might not hurt to check for mange and ringworm again even if you have already done these things. It is possible to get a false negative and your dog certainly seems uncomfortable.

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

mange, allergies to food or something in the environment.

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

I am sorry that you had to exiperence this.. email me at

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

Try feedin him oily fish (like canned salmon) and instead of bathing him, brush him very day to bring up the skin ois %26amp; se if that helps

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

You the 10th person to ask this same question. I think it may be allergies or just the change of season for these dogs.

What ever it is your boxer is not the only one to have this problem, thats for sure.

I wish I had the right answer for you but your already giving him meds so I cant think of anything else for you to do to help him.

I'm so sorry.

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

some dogs get allegic reaction to certain things,,maybe he is allergic to grass !!!!

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

How frustrating for you and your dog. I hope you can finally find out what's causing the problems and get it taken care of. I found a couple of interesting websites that might be of some help. You may have to scroll down a bit on the second website to find information pertaining to your situation. Good Luck!

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

Try a different vet. sorry to here about your dog

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

You can try a food called avoderm my boxer had skin problems as well and I fed him that it helped also I bathed him in Johnsons head to toe baby wash. I also put baby lotion on the bald spots and gave him chewable benadryl. Also you can ask your vet about herbal treatments sold at whole foods they are for humans but they work for dogs too. Good luck BOXERS ROCK!

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

I have a 3 yr old boxer who has had sensitive skin all his life. He had demodex as a puppy and we bathed him in a medication the vet gave us. Now we give him regular baths with moisturizing Selson Blue and it keeps his coat and skin healthy. He does still have some bald spots and we cant keep a collar on him because it will rub his hair off his neck but otherwise he is fine.

Question about my 4 yrs. Old Boxer Dog?

your dog probably has a skin condition or a skin allergy try to give him or her a benedryl pill and have your pet checked for mange. Good luck!

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

ive been told they dont cast hair and are good for people with allergies but where do i get one and how much would it be is there a site that i can look at them to see what they look like.



Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

Do you mean an American Water Spaniel? They do have alot of hair but are beautiful dogs. I wouldn't know but assume they shed like regular dogs......

Just google the breed, the sites should come up so you can view the breed. They are not inexpensive dogs either.

I see them in the Twin Cities papers for around $300 to $400.

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?


Where can i get an american spaniel dog?


Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

america has no history hence this is a variation of another breed.

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?


Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

Chihuahuas are good for people with allergies, but you may get in trouble for having an illegal immigrant dog

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

From a spaniel America

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

You can also check into a Bichon Frise, these dogs are good for people with allergies. As are West Highland Terriers. To find out if someone in your area has any of these dogs You can call your local vets office and see if they have a number of a breeder in the area. You can also call the local ASPCA, ASPC, RSPCA, animal shelters, humane society's, and rescue groups to see if they know of anyone in the area. You can also go to and type in the type of dog you are looking for, and it will pop up with thousands of links, and sites you can go to.

As to how much they it will be money wise. That depends on the breeder.

Good luck.

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?


Where can i get an american spaniel dog?


Where can i get an american spaniel dog?

There are lots of dog breeds that do not cast including various spaniels, most terriers, and most wire-haired breeds. However, most people with allergies are actually allergic to the dogs dander, not its hair, and all dogs have dander. I am assuming you are refering to the american cocker spaniel. The best place to find a reputable breeder is to go through one of the breed clubs:

AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL CLUB OF GB. Sec. Mrs P Sibley. Tel No: 01225 700022

HOME COUNTIES AMERICAN COCKER CLUB. Sec. Mrs J de Layen-Chance. Tel No: 01323 741121


Make sure you spend some time at the breeders home before buying a puppy to make sure you do not have a reaction to the dogs.

American Cocker spaniels require alot of coat care to keep them in good condition. Proper grooming also helps reduce the dander in the coat.

Try here for more info on the breed

Good Luck.

Where can i get an american spaniel dog?



ALL *ANIMALS* SHED!! such breed.

Another breed question - domestic short-hair, bengal, pixie bob or ???- any ideas?


we're discussing Jenny's origin once in a while - She is now one and a half year old, unfortunately a little obese (14 pounds and should just have 12 or so, very agile and playful, has dog character (like waiting for us behind the door and following us everywhere), LOVES attention, but is not a lap cat; She is almost a retriever, vocal (especially at 4:00 am ;-). She loves to purr and she is definitely a 'licker'. She does have a long tail and big paws. Some of her whiskers are black and white. I hope I can get some pictures in...

And we are excited to hear any comments!

Another breed question - domestic short-hair, bengal, pixie bob or ???- any ideas?

Hi there...Jenny appears to be mostly a DSH brown tabby. She has ticking more commonly seen with pixie bob cats, but very little markings to indicate any Bengal.

Nonetheless, she looks quite happy and is unique with her own personality and antics to endear herself to you and your family.

DSH Brown Tabby:

Another breed question - domestic short-hair, bengal, pixie bob or ???- any ideas?

Your pic does not work. Where did you get her? If not from a breeder, chances are she's a domestic shorthair.

EDIT - Looks exactly like my cat (except he's a boy and he's big too). Domestic short hair for sure.

Another breed question - domestic short-hair, bengal, pixie bob or ???- any ideas?

Jenny is beautiful!!!

She reminds me of my sweet Biddie. Biddie was a DSH mix of Red Abyssinian %26amp; Grey Mackeral Tabby

Should men trim their pubic hair?

are guys supposed to do it too? not to be gross but its really long. my crotch looks like a black dog with a long nose.

Should men trim their pubic hair?

Yes- give yourself an occasional trim. It helps make your thing look bigger too, since its not hiding in a jungle. Fot the ultimate, shave your balls too.

Should men trim their pubic hair?

you dont have to...but if its rlluy long then yea

Should men trim their pubic hair?

umm its up to u if u want to then go for it sum guys even shave

Should men trim their pubic hair?

from a girls point of view I think you grosses me out!!

Should men trim their pubic hair?

That was a little too much info. Maybe you should trim yourself or girls will get grossed out. Have fun cutting your pubic hair! %26lt;3

Should men trim their pubic hair?

umm girls dont even trim "down there"

Should men trim their pubic hair?

def! i think its a nice clean look

and it feels better when a girl does her thing(wink)

Should men trim their pubic hair?

Probably. Girls also gets tickled or irritated in the face you know (wink).

Should men trim their pubic hair?

Definitely, excess body hair is ugly.

Buy a pair of round-tipped scissors, they are often labeled "nasal hair" scissors and you can find them any place that sells cosmetics.

Should men trim their pubic hair?

thats up to you...but as a girl i prefer men to shave

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My German Short Hair, Daisy, once ate half a dozen individual snowman cakes that were cooling on the counter, waiting to be frosted. I came up from switching the wash and they were all gone! I was so dumbfounded that I thought for a second they had all come to live and fled before being someone's snack! When I finally realized Daisy must have taken them, I turned to her and asked if she'd eaten them . . . she burped in my face! Mystery solved.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

The Black Cat once jumped up on the chair next to where my Grandma was having dinner (pasta with shrimp). He quietly regarded her and her meal for a moment, then reached out and grabbed one of the shrimp with his paw. Impaled on his claw, he transfered the tidbit to his mouth, nodded politely at her, and jumped down to consume his bounty in relative privacy.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My dog ate a roadkill squirrel once. I only knew because she vomited the thing whole into my living room.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My dog tried to eat a marshmallow that was on fire once.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My cat swallowed a sewing needle with the thread through the eye. I saw the thread sticking out of her mouth and pulled...thank goodness I didn't hurt her but I got it out!

My dog was running through my house and instead of stopping at the wall he was heading to, he jumped and flew into the aquarium! When he landed, all the water and fish came pouring out and I had a HECK of a time gathering fish before he could eat them!!!

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

Whipped Cream. My cat eats it all the time.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My friend's mutt ate a lightbulb once. Like those 60 watt type you put in any household fixture. By the time my friend realized what was going on, the dog had swallowed the thing. Amazingly, the dog was fine afterwards.

My dog ate 6 boxes of chocolate covered coffee beans that my dad had left downstairs. All that the dog left were a few shreds of packaging. Surprisingly, he did not get sick either.

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

well lets start... WE've lost a BRAND new package of toilet paper, not the 4 rolls but like the 32 that we had left on the floor, we lost an un-open bag of hamster bedding, digital camera, computer charger, dvds, video games, shaving razor, face wash, tampons, kleenex.

*Its all put away, there just is always a fluke, such has putting away groceries, and we threw it on the floor til we were ready for it, or set on a coffee table when we weren't using it. SO really take your pick. chich is the funniest thing or dog ate!**

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

our auto insurance bill... i guess if our dog ate it she thought we wouldnt have to pay it

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

My mutt, Zoe, is an all around junkyard dog. She will eat anything that isn't trying too hard to get away, with the exception of my shoes which is good. So far the body count has been:

a playstation controller

a body for an Xmod RC car

a 2 foot by one foot sheet of plywood she got from who knows where

an entire rack of ribs from a cow that I got for her (3 days for that one)

One unsuspecting rabbit

half a mouse

a bicycle tire

a sandwich right out of my hand

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

the funniest thing that Dog (shitsu) had ever eaten is her own NASTY POOP!

What's the funniest thing you dog (or any pet) has ever eaten?

well, u name it, i have it. my dogs have been eating the followings:

paint of the wall

kitchen cabinet

washing machine water inlet pipe

washing machine water outlet pipe

dining table

door sticker


anything on the table

tissue papers


2 wks of antibiotics (for human)

1 mth supply of heart attack pills

1 bottle (100 capsules) of multivits


chicken wings with bones

instant noodles

....................... the list goes on......

Aggressive dog grooming???

My shih tzu gets aggressive when being groomed (he had an inccident at the groomers last year that caused him alot of pain so we cannot take him to a groomer)

How can i cut/shave his hair without cutting him or him biting me?

Thank you

Aggressive dog grooming???

give him treats

and then pet him on his back dat will come him down a little

make him pay attention on one thing that would make stay still

i have a shitzu worked when i tried it

Aggressive dog grooming???


Aggressive dog grooming???

For every pound of weight, you can give them 1mg of Benadryl. My dog hates going to the groomers, and I'm not equipped to do it myself. He weighs 7 pounds and my vet said I can give him 7mg of benadryl to calm him down. Childrens Benadryl comes in liquid form, and little strips that melt in their mouths. I would try it, it's worked great for us.

Aggressive dog grooming???

Very carefully , Very gently , and it may take hours to do this. Just keep talking to him , take breaks, that is all you can do. You muzzle him it will just make him worse.

By you having to shave him it sounds to me he hasn't been groom every day as you should with a Shih Tzu so he may not be used to it. The sound of the sheers will scare him. You may have to start by just brushing him as you talk to him gently and work you way up to him being shaved. Just take an hour a day and brush him , get him use to that first. Good luck to you and if anyone says to give him something to put him to sleep don't do that either. They did that to one dog I know and the dog never worke up. This happen at a groomer place.

Aggressive dog grooming???

pet shops sell several types and sizes of muzzles.

if you want to try a different groomer, you MUST warn them that the dog has a problem due to an accident that made it afraid to be groomed. Take a muzzle to the groomers if they are willing to try working with the dog.

If you do it, you still need to use a muzzle.

You can also give him a bit of AcePromazine to calm him before the grooming and give it time to take affect. It's a mild canine sedative.

Aggressive dog grooming???

The problem isn't that he is aggressive, but that he has been allowed get away with it and then the behavior escalates. So, you pretty much have to start all over.

I am the only groomer in my area that will work with problem animals (including cats) and I always re-teach the dogs in the following manner.

The first session, I sit them on the table and begin by touching them all over, slow gentle caresses. Once I feel a reduction in tension in their bodies I introduce the comb. Work the head and ears first, use vocalizations to control their possible sudden movements to either bite me or the tools. If persistent at wanting to bite the tools, offer them the handle of the comb. They usually refuse to take it. Everything must be extremely slow, taking up to an hour. If you're not finished grooming that doesn't matter. Let them go and play or eat or go for a walk. (I send them home. The owners are advised that re-training for this may take several visits)

Each day, redo first the touching exercise and then the

part(s) of the body that you did on previous days, always adding the next part of the body.

I am often referred clients by other groomers because they mistakenly believe that I sedate the aggressive animals (dogs sedated by veterinary for the groomer are only relaxed, not completely asleep). A sedated animal is actually more dangerous because they feel that they have no control and are more likely to bite out of fear.

It takes time and patients. Don't try to clip the hair (except for the occasional nasty tangle) work strictly with the comb at first.

Good Luck, this type of retraining is always a challenge.

Aggressive dog grooming???

You should just start slow.. A little bit of brushing each day, spend more time touching him, his feet, his ears and everything else. While you are doing this, have your sheers, scissors etc within view.

If he accepts brushing without problem, one day while you are brushing him and he is loving it, reach over and turn on the sheer, leave it laying on the counter so that he can see it, and hear it. If he reacts, just continue with the brushing and calm him down. Don't shave him yet.

Once you have him to the point where he will let you brush him and the sheer is there and on, and he isn't reacting, pick it up and see if he'll let you work on him some.

Being his owner, it shouldn't be too hard to redirect him and teach him that you aren't going to hurt him and you won't allow anything bad to happen.

If you need to get him shaved quicker than what that might take.. Work with him several times a day showing him that you aren't going to hurt him.. It will speed up the process.

It's just like anything else with training, you need to socialize him to the scissors, the touch, the sheers, and allow him to see that none of it is going to hurt him.

Aggressive dog grooming???

A muzzle of course. All dogs, at times need them. If you have a problem handling your dog, muzzle him. I do not understand the behavior of a person not being able to do ANYTHING they want to do to their own dog, at any time, but, I guess it happens. I muzzle my dogs at the vets office, not because I need to or because they are obnoxious, but because I want to err on the side of caution and not the vet's face.

Aggressive dog grooming???

you might try and find a groomer that works with a vet. you can have the dog sedated to be groomed . i have been a dog groomer for 46 years and i work for a vet. here in the panhandle of Texas. i have done several dogs that way because they would not be handled by strangers. or they were hurt by groomers.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

what can i do to stop them ???? he is missing hair on his lower left back and side of tail where he ate it off... i have been putting neosporin on it but he eats it off. please help

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

there are too many options as to what could be wrong with your dog......You MUST seek help from a vet. it is your responsibility.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?


Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Sorry but you need to see a vet so they can test for what it is so you can properly medicate it. Neosporin isn't going to solve the problem. See if they can work out a payment plan. Don't use OTC products, they have harsh chemicals that can kill your dog if not used properly.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Could be mites, you can get some ointment and powder specifically for them at wal-mart pretty cheap.

Is it mange? Burnt motor oil is a good way to clear that up, just rub some into the skin and it kills the mange. Don't let your dog eat the oil as it will make it sick, so rub it in, then immeadeatly wipe it off and clean the area.

That is all I can recommend, if people give you a hard time about not going to the vet, don't worry, dude, I have been on hard times before too, I feel ya.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

First, I have to say that you need to take the dog to the vet. Put it on a credit card if you have to. Dogs cost money to keep healthy.

That said, I have an idea that may work. Perhaps your dog just has allergies. Try putting witch hazel (you can get it in any drugstore, and it's very cheap, like a dollar a bottle) on your dog's "hot spots." It shouldn't burn, and I have a friend who swears by it for his dog's hot spots (raw spots where the hair has been chewed off).

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Your dog absolutely needs a proper diagnosis and treatment, and there are two things you can do.

1. Get a phone book and call all of your area vets. Ask them if they will allow you to make payments. See if you are eligible for Care Credit, which a lot of vets will accept. (It's a credit card for paying vet bills.)

2. Surrender your dog to the SPCA or Humane Society. You will no longer have a dog, but your dog will receive the veterinary care he requires. It might not be your choice, but your dog should not suffer because you can't afford to have him.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

you can try bathing him with flea/tick shampoo (follow the directions) but most likely he will need to be diagnosed by a vet. Start saving or go hock something...

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

You might try calling a vet and explaining the symptons and your curcumstances; that you are not in a financial positition to bring the dog in and are seeking advice. You would be surprised to find that most are willing to help or work with you if he needs medical treatment outside of something over the counter. It certainly is nothing lost to take that route. Worst case scenario is that if they are unwilling to offer assistance or advice, you will know that is one vet you don't want to use when and if you are in a postion to use one in the future.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Sell your computer and pay for the vet!!!!!!!!

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Go to petco or Walmart and get the meds you need there. You're dog is slowly being sucked out of every needed nutrients and will die. But you will have very health parasites. Just goofing. A dog is a costly responsibility. It needs parvo shots, rabies, flea shampoo, heart meds and lots of love. If you are not in the position to accept these responsibilities now a mature,loving and unselfish thing to do is give it to someone who can and wait until you can get a job to afford another dog. There are many great dogs out there that need a good home. You will find one when you are financially ready.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

I understand that sometimes you just don't have money for a vet visit. I hope you at least have money to pick up the treatments.

Are you sure that he does not have fleas? Fleas tend to congregate where you are saying he is chewing. If he is allergic to fleas, he'll darn near chew his tail off trying to scratch the itch. If he does have fleas, bath him with a good flea shampoo (Not that hartz crap either) and then put a monthly preventative like Frontline on him to keep them from coming back.

If he is scooting his butt on the ground, that isn't a sign of worms like people used to say but rather a sign of impacted anal glands. That is very annoying to them and they'll chew around the base of their tail for that as well. You'll have to get a vet or a groomer to take care of that. A groomer will generally charge about $5-10 for that. If he's not scooting his butt though, probably not the problem.

You can buy over the counter wormers at any pet supply store (Petco, PetSmart). I would avoid the stuff from Walmart because it's generally garbage (there's a reason it's so cheap). If you live where there are farm supply stores, they will have them as well. You can also get a tube of Safeguard wormer for horses. It is VERY safe, you can overdose them and it won't hurt them. A tube will run you about $7-8 and it's enough to treat a 1250 pound horse, so it will last your dog a lifetime. This will get tapeworms in addition to the usual parasites. I've done this a million times with dogs dumped here in addition to my own, works like a charm and my vet ok'ed it as well.

As for the places where his skin is raw, you really need a topical antibiotic made for animals. At the pet supply store, look for some type of oil for dry itchy skin, something with tea tree oil would be great.

When I lived in a major city, the vets were all Payment Due At Time Of Service. No exceptions, no sympathy. I'm in the country now. My vet just puts it all on my bill. I drop off $20 or $40 every week until I'm caught up. If you're near a rural town, might try calling one of the clinics there.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Are you sure it is parasites? My dog did that and it was food allergies. I understand the money situation. It sucks. I went to the vet ($40) just so they could tell me to switch food($40). You should call a local no-kill shelter. When I'm low on cash I try that and they have always told me to bring my dog in. You may just want to show up there, so they can't turn you away. In my case, they just gave me what I needed. But even if they charge you, it won't be nearly as much. Just make sure to make a hefty donation to the shelter when you have more cash. Good luck.

Poor people are entitled to have pets too, and I am sure that you love yours very much.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

please seek medical attention for your pet, he depends on you (his family) for his care. Good Luck.

Ok, so im pretty convinced my dog has parasites,however, i do not have the money to pay a vett...?

Try and find a vet in your area that treats animals at a low cost. There's always one somewhere. Your other option is to surrender your dog to your local ASPCA. Let them know what the situation is - your dog is sick and you can't afford to take care of it - and they will take custody of your dog, and give him a good home. There are so many things that could be wrong with him. Hopefully, it isn't too late to save is life.

Dog constantly shedding?

I have 2 rat terriers and a great dane. They shed worse then out border collie. The great dane and one rat terrier is on Canidaie. The other rat terrier is on Nautral Choice Light cause he's fat. I've tried brushing them with a shedding rake and furminator but nothing comes out. Is there any shampoos that can remove most of the dead hair? Any advice is great. Thanks

Dog constantly shedding?

Well your feeding great food so they aren't lacking nutrients. Are they nervous dogs? That can cause shedding. Is it dry in your house? Try a bathing them with cool water.

Dog constantly shedding?

there are some formulas you can get at stores that you put in their food to stop them from shedding, good luck

Dog constantly shedding?

I got vitamins from my vet to reduce shedding. Works pretty good.

Dog constantly shedding?

Well the main problem is that you have short haired dogs!! Dogs with short hair generally shed year round and there's nothing you can do to stop it. My english bulldog sheds tons of white hair 365 days a year!!! The only thing I can think is to brush them frequently as well as bath them regurlarly also. Unfortunately shedding with short haired dogs is just something we have to deal with.

Dog constantly shedding?

ya i have had a few too. go to a pet store and buy a fine pronged rake. not expensive, just a quik brush and it pulls out any loose hair. it almost stops shedding. sorry. nothing stops a full blown shed, but this helps a ton. i use it on all my dogs in show.

Dog constantly shedding?

Well I was going to tell you to get the Furminator because it works great for us. But I don't know besides that... Good LUck!

Dog constantly shedding?

Oh, I know what you mean with the Great Dane. I have had two %26amp; that was always an issue with them.

As a Pet Groomer the only thing that I did was wash them %26amp; use the power dryer to blow out the loose hair. That lasts only a week or two %26amp; they were back to shedding. I mean, like, they shed through out the winter too.

There are vitamines

Dog constantly shedding?

my family had two dogs which were really old and they where losing fur every where someone told us to use fish oil tablets we used to put two in their dinner. we also regularly wash our dogs like normal owners and used doggy conditioner this worked wonders but does take about 1 to 2 months before seeing benefits.the fish oil tablets we use are available anywhere but are cheaper in chemists as you can buy in bulk. good luck.

Dog constantly shedding?

Try putting olive oil in their food. This will help to give them a nice strong coat. Also when you take them outside rub them down so that you can get as much hair off them as possible. And I know this may sound loony but use the brush end of the vacumn and brush them down while it is on. They wont feel it. Promise!

Dog constantly shedding?

k, you don't need formulas or anything like that

just go to petco's grooming salon or something like that and ask for the spacial grooming that gets rid of shedding problems. its not expensive it it works wonderfully! trust me, some of the formulas will give your dogs skin diseases.

Dog constantly shedding?

Try adding a moult formula to their food. the best I've found is R%26amp;A moult formula!

Is it okay if i get a hamster or pet with hair if i have allergies?

can anyone help me? i need an answer quick. see i have allergies to fur and any animal that has fur and i've asked all of my friends and they all said its probably okay if i get a hairless pet or a dog that doesn't shed. but ever since i was achild i've always wanted a pet hamster, dog or even a cat i don't really care what kind but i just really want a pet companion. can anyone give me a name of a breed of a cat, dog or any other pet i could have that can have? it would be a great help.

Is it okay if i get a hamster or pet with hair if i have allergies?

If you are prone to alergies, then having pets of your own is probably not a good idea. But that doesn't mean you cannot enjoy your friends pets.

Dog scratching?

My german short hair puppy is scratching, I already put advantix and it hasnt helped is there a natural thing I can use around the house I can use till she goes to the Vet next week?

Dog scratching?

It will probably take a little while before she stops itching if it was bugs that was causing it. But if she starts to develop sores or dry and flakie skin, you need to take her back to the vet or get a medicated shampoo with ingredients for dry and itchy skin. Also a doggie hydrocordazone might help as well. They are at most if not all pet supply stores.

Dog scratching?

Scratching might be a sign of a skin issue and not a flee issue. If your dogs skin is flake, like dandruff then you might want to look into your dogs diet.

Dog scratching?

it could be the foods or snacks. your puppy could have food allergies..or even if you gave him a bath. the soap could give him dry itchy skin. your vet will know what to do about it. my puppy in the beginning was scratching a lot. we started him on frontline..then a couple months into his treatment he stopped scratching. good luck.

Dog scratching?

i use dawn dish washing soap for mine and she's not scratching her ears off anymore.i heard that it's perfectly safe.i wouldn't give anybody any advice that i wouldn't do don't worry. you should try it.

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

both take up too much space on the bed

both have irrational fears about vacuum cleaning

both are threatened by their own kind

both like to chew wood

both mark their territory

both are bad at asking you questions

neither tells you what閳ユ獨 bothering them

both tend to smell riper with age

the smaller ones tend to be more nervous

neither do any dishes

neither of them notice when you get your hair cut

both like dominance games

both are suspicious of the postman

neither knows how to talk on the telephone

neither understands what you see in cats

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

One difference:

Dogs can lick themselves in certain areas. Men are still working on this one.

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

dogs like to play with their bone...haha.

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

Both if treated right will be your best friend for life or at least as long as you are treated to being around them.

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

both like to bark for no good reason

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

They both have to earn their treats

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

ROFL! Cute. And true.

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

that is so true and niether of them ever get along with all your friends!

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

Well i know my dog has the same couloured eyes as me Different colours one green and one brown does that count?

Who knows more similarities between a dog and a man?

they both have belly buttons

neither reads the directions first

their mates can be called 'bi*ches'

when it comes to sex, both can't think of anything else till they get it

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

I've just seen a chap walking an Old English Sheepdog, (Think Dulux ads) The resemblence was creepy, shaggy long grey hair, lolloping gait, and looking friendly but a little gormless.)

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

I hope not, you should see our dog

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

Cheers mate Report It

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

ya i look like a mongrel now

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

No, not at all. Not even the same hair color.

It has been said that some people do resemble their dogs!!

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

Ha ha, probably, I have an old golden retriever, shes a bit overweight, me too, but we still turn heads even at our old ages.

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

i've seen somthing like that in a garfield comic.

garfield ate the bird and the owner, lol!!!

but i have no pets. i want a rabbit though.

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

I hope not hes a male with his bits removed.

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

I have a bulldog, so I hope not. I think he's adorable though, but he's got lots of wrinkles.

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

I had the worlds greats dog - he had my eyes and my ex-wife's bark. It was me or my dog - I miss him, poor dog.

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

The wife is

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

hope not, I have a dalmation

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

im not, my dogs a cross collie/whippet so she's really skinny. ive got a big beer belly on me

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

i hope not, i own a dalmatian and a doberman, both cracking looking dogs, but i'd be happier if i didn't look like them!


Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

i think that maybe they are, and if they don't look like thire dogs they have the same personality., you can bet that mr. cranky has a cranky little lap dog that bites and barks! i on the other hand, am completely opposite from my dog, if i were a dog i would probable more resemble a crusty old bulldog, my dog is a well mannered easy going doberman! go figure!

Dog owners, are you getting to look like more your pooch?.....?

TV has shown some who look alike-amazing. We had,over the years, 43 dogs on the farm and my favorite was an Australian Blue Healer-full blood,came to the farm starved,never found the owners but had a sweet face so would not mind looking like her

but actually no resemblance-all outdoor dogs.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

Like you tip your hair stylist? If so, what's the standard amount? Do you tip if the groomer owns the business?

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

I don't take my dogs to a groomer - but after having worked with someone who groomed on the side and bathing a few dogs for her in a pinch - I definetly would if I was satisfied with their work. Grooming is alot more difficult than you may think. Especially if the owner doesn't upkeep the coat or the dog isn't well behaved.

I doubt there's a standard amount - it doesn't even have to be money, as Jennifer T pointed out. Just a little something to show you appreciate what they're doing.

You can't really compare it to a human going to a hairstylist. You sit still. You don't try to bite, scratch, snarl or bark at your hairstylist. You do not urinate or have a bowel movement wile they're trying to do your hair. You don't try to jump out of the chair or fight when they try to wash your hair. There are groomers that have to deal with this for some dogs.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

I never tip the dog groomer. Maybe I am a bit selfish, but I figure I'm paying $60 for a dog shampoo and haircut. That's for only a couple of hours of work! They are making plenty enough money off of me!

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

Some people do, some people don't. It is not expected that you tip, like it is in a restaurant, but if you really like your dog's cut. than they accept tips and are usually very grateful. I give a 5 dollar tip if I really like my dogs cut, but that is for a full service trim. I would still tip if the groomer owned the place, she would still appreciated it and did as much work as she would have had she not owned the place.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

u dont have to... i dont know anyone that does.... u dont have to tip waiters and waitress.... but most people do

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

I don't tip my dog's groomer. I think $60 is too much to groom a dog in the first place.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

that's left up to you-did you like the look of your pet when they are done? Do you want a last minute appt? TIPS stands for: To Insure Proper Service. If you like your groomer and want to keep their services, consider it.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

Tips are really designed to reward satisfactory or excellent work. If you groomer is the greatest, feel free to tip generously. If your groomer is not so good...don't, then find a better groomer. Many of my customers give me neat things like "Best Groomer" certificates for my walls and pics of their dogs on vacation or in Christmas photos. Trust me, any token of appreciation is cherished.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

no you really dont have to. i mean if u want to go aa head but, its not really expected.

Are you supposed to tip your dog groomer?

I always do. Of course I also take in 5 dogs at once! All of the dogs love this lady and she is sooooo good with them. I think she deserves a little extra something!

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

My family adopted a Golden Retriever in January of this year. She is house broken and is a wonderful pet. Lately we have had a problem keeping her hair shedding under control. We have had her crate in the family room. This is where she plays and rests. She has her food bowl in the dining room with us, When I work normally 4-5 times a month, she stays in our laundry room. We put crate, toys, food water in with her. And this is for a 7 hour period. My question is where can/should we change her spot? If we keep her in the laundry room, hair will get all over the clean clothes, our garage is not insulated so it is hot in the summer, cold in the winter so that is not an option. But the living room is no longer an option either. We love her very much and want her to be "with" our family as well as a part of it. Our home is also not very big so there are not many others rooms that are appropriate. Any advice would be greatly appreciated...She is about 53 pounds and is "fixed"

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

I can completely understand your situation, my lab sheds like there is no tomorrow. But my biggest problem are my two 5 month old Belgian shepard puppies. With the hair being your biggest problem, where chewing is mine....right off the bat I'm not sure what to tell you. For me, I have a walk in closet, 6x4 in size. I have found that this is an ideal "puppy" room. All my clothes are up out of their reach and since they haven't blown their puppy coat I don't have to worry about shedding. Do you have a decently size closet that would allow her room to move about? something you could toss a her blanket in, food, water, a few toys and put a baby gate in front of? That way the door isn't closed and she gets plenty of air plus is able to hear/see everything.

Or depending on how many doors you have into/out of your kitchen, buying a baby gate [usually about $15] and putting her in the kitchen. I did that with my lab for a while during her puppy months because it was the only room I had that was no carpet.

Or what about an X-pen [exercise pen]. My sister breeds Russian Wolfhounds and when it is too hot [since they are long haired dogs that don't handle heat too well] she brings them in and sets up x-pens in the living room. You can get them in everything from 4' high to 5'. There are tops that come with some so it's like an oversized crate. Completly safe and very easy to put up and down.

And last but not least, as a last resort, you could always consider crating her in the living room while you are at work.

Hope this helps

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

House dogs pretty much shed all year long. The best thing you can do is brush her regularly.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

Brush her, and brush her often, there is also a dog food out now, I don't know the name of it right now, but it also works on this problem, I see it advertised all the time.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

I would brush her daily and bathe her probably once a month, Will she let you take a vaccum hose to her? Is there a reason she has to be put in a crate when you leave the house? I have three dobermans and I have never crated them and as well, never had a problem or the need to.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

ok i have the same problem, i have a lab and he sheds ALOT his crate is in the basement it is isnsulated down there if u have a basement that could be an option, he basically gets to roam around the house all day we just brush him regularly and vaccum the house 1 time per week. As u sed she is 53 lbs. thats not very heavy, so u could put her in the basement,your room(if its vaccumed regularly) I hope this helps!

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

A properly trained dog should be able to go throughout the house when you are away. Dogs a naturally territorial and will probably sit close to the window waiting for you to come home and keeping strangers away. My dogs often sleep near a window until they hear the slightest sound, bark if they see something, and then sleep again. if she is chewing at things and pulling out the garbage she needs some strong discipline while she is young. You could seal off the bathrooms and kitchen when she is home alone. cooping her up in a laundry room is not fair for a large dog.

As for the shedding, we sometimes vacuum the coats with a weak vacuum and an upholstry brush. Otherwise a good brushing and the odd bath get a lot off. You'll find she sheds a little less as the weather gets colder. Also, not sure why, but a pillow filled with cedar chips that she can lie on helps with fleas and keeping her skin moderated. It'll just make her more comfortable and less likely to rub all over the carpet and sofa.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

A big dog like yours shouldn't really stay in the house all day. They need to have a big area, such as a back yard to excerise. As for the shedding problem, you should brush your dog every day at least once if not more. You can also take your dog to the groomer to cut the hair shorter. Maybe that will help

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

We've got an american eskimo (very long white hair) who does not get tied out or crated. The shedding is insane, but it's part of owning a long haired dog.

I brush him every 2 days, bathe him once a month, invested in a great vacuum cleaner, a lint brush for the furniture, and the roller lint paper for the clothing. There are dietary supplements and shampoos that claim to help reduce shedding however I have not had any luck with those - I'd probably ask the vet before investing in something like that.

After I got used to a routine that included cleaning up his shed fur, I realized it didn't take that long to do and it was a small price to pay. He's a good mutt, he makes us happy, he's lovable and (mostly) well-behaved and he is so goofy that he makes us laugh constantly. He's well worth it :-)

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

Brush her regularly and you can also purchase arm and hammer pet odor and hair remover. You can either buy it in the spray or powder you put it on your carpets wait about five minutes and vacuum. It is only 2-3 dollars a can at Wal-Mart. This stuff takes the static electricity out of dog hair so you will get it all in the vacuum it also makes your home smell fresh. This way you can keep her in the living room and have a safe and effective way to clean up her hair. It is also safe to use around pets and children.

We have four dogs that are in our house and this what has worked the best for us you will be amazed at how much hair is in your vacuum the first time you use this.

I do commend you for not getting frustrated and putting her outside in the heat and cold cause a lot of people would.


For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

As a former owner of a golden retriever and a current owner of a border collie thats seems to shed even worse, you need to brush them every day to really cut down on their shedding. also if you have a computer room/office in your house the dog could go there. i cant think of anything in an office that will be ruined by dog hair.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

You need to work up to letting her out of the crate--let her out for a little while, leave, and see how she does. Let her out for longer and longer periods of time until you can trust her by herself. Greyhounds are "turned out" of their crates six times a day and also race, which takes care of their exercise needs. A Golden Retriever doesn't necessarily need a ton of exercise, but it's not right to leave her cooped up in a crate for hours on end.

And make sure she doesn't have any medical issues. My Dalmatian sheds a lot, all the time, all year, but a little more in the spring and fall. But she's always done that. If your dog suddenly starts (or stops) shedding a lot more than normal, it could be a sign of something serious. Try a new dog food or supplement designed to help with shedding, but if that doesn't work, it's vet time for puppy. The shedding is a minor inconvenience compared to the health and happiness of your dog.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

dogs normally shed more in the spring and winter than any other time of the year, you just have to make sure you keep them well brushed, also, if they are stressed over any thing, they may shed more. so my advice would be, instead of changing where your dog sleeps, try brushing her for a little while each day, or even twice a day so that there is not as much fur coming off of her. i had a golden up until last christmas, when sadly he died because he had a tumor in his chest, we used to brush him a lot and vacuum at least once a day, and a bath at least once a month. he still shed, but these things all kept the amount of fur down.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

To help reduce shedding,besides just using a regular brush,invest 4 or 5 bucks in a shedding comb.they do a better job than just brushing,of getting loose hairs out of the undercoat.Supplementing your dogs diet with additional omega fatty acids will help too.You can get them at pet stores in pill form,or as additives to be sprayed or sprinkled directly onto the food.You can also feed canned salmon,I feed my 75 pound lab 1/4 cup per day mixed in with her food.It has helped with shedding,will make the coat shine,and also helps with dry skin.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

Golden retrievers are the most wonderful dogs, except they do shed. Something that you and the dog can do together is brushing her. Once she's used to it, she will enjoy the back-scratching. You may even want to have her professionally groomed first to get rid of any mats.


For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

Have 2 cats and 2 german shepherds and a small house as well.

Understand well the hair problem.

I vaccuum daily after I brush them all.Furniture is all covered with bright colored quilts that are washed as needed.

Car has to be vaccuumed weekly and sometimes twice.It's an uphill battle but it's worth the extra work to me.

Cover your furniture before you leave for work with sheets if you have to.No one will see them but the dog.And vaccuum when you get home.That does'nt take long either.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

Make sure you feed her a premium food that contains plenty of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (supplementing is also an option, but why bother since there are numerous premium brands that already have fatty acids in them), and, also, purchase The Furminator(it's a great tool for shedding), you can buy it at PetSmart or on line at It's about 40 dollars, but you'll be happy you've spent that money....

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

The type of food you feed her can effect how much they shed. Our yellow lab sheds non-stop. I vacuum daily (at least I should). If you can leave her in an area of the house instead of the laundry room, that would work - or just move yoru clean clothes. There's always "puppy daycare" but that gets expensive. I guess I'd recommend, just dealing with it. Maybe buy a roomba?

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

i have this same problem with my saint Bernard and the only thing to do is brush the dog out daily.

For those in house dog owners! Please help me!?

I would suggest brushing 2x daily as this time of year they blow their coat and brushing helps. Secondly you could consider getting her clipped in a puppy cut and that would help too.

Good luck.

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