Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dog being aggressive?

I adopted a fox terrier (wire hair) last Saturday. Yesterday he peed on the couch, when my boyfriend got up to put him in his kennel (as punishment) he growled and lunged at him.

Today, I dropped a wrapper from taco bell and he tried eating it. I gently pushed him away with my foot and he attacked my foot, biting down hard and growling. Both times he let go immediatly and took off under a table where he rolled over and started whimpering.

What is going on? Is it possible he was abused? Is this something I can correct without taking him to classes? Please help, I'm fairly broke at the moment and can't really afford to do that. I will if it comes down to it but I really would like to avoid it and maybe learn in the process. Thank you

Dog being aggressive?

Sorry to say but it sounds to me more like he had a family that was too lazy to train him and dumped the poor fellow for that very reason. First off don't use the crate for punishment as if it's a jail. It's his den, his safe place so don't change his view of it. Secondly get him into training ASAP! Find a certified trainer that has experience with aggressive dogs. His behavior can be corrected but not without a qualified trainer to work with you and the dog.

It's a crying shame people abuse their dogs by not taking any time to train them, than dump them off like yesterdays garbage, but they do. An untrained dog is a truly unhappy dog. He can be made a happy dog by training him. Talk to the people where you adopted him, they might be able to help. If you decide to give the dog back wait until you're not so broke so you can do the vet and training as needed. GL sorry this happened to you


When he's doing something he shouldn't distract him away with something better. If it's something plastic give him a better toy or treat. If it's like a food wrapper, give him a small peice of cheese or hot dog, when he's done with the treat try to get him onto a toy...get the idea? Then praise like crazy when he's doing it right. And don't give him any people food at all when you're eating, plus make sure he doesn't have access to any (counter surfing). This distract/lure tactic will also work for chewing up the house, just distract him away. If you can walk him go for it! Be careful around strangers in case he gets aggressive to them, but walk him 2xs a day for a half hour to (even better) an hour to wear him out. A tired dog does a lot less mischief!

Another thing...the way he reacts to corrections suggests his only form of training was getting smacked or yelled at. When you correct a puppy or dog like that it teaches them nothing. All they know is you're mad as hell and hitting them, instilling fear and distrust. They don't even understand WHY you're mad! There are much better ways to train in a positive way that actually TEACH and this dog needs it. But he's already displaying aggressive behaviors which is understandable for a dog who only knows getting smacked around and no real training. So be careful you don't do the same! Get some professional help for the poor guy. You'll end up with a dog you can live with and feel good you showed him life can be better with better people.

And yes, not training a dog is abuse IMO. A trained dog is a confident dog and lives a much happier life

If you're really broke google dogwise and buy these two books, but understand you will still do better with a trainer. But this can help in the meantime...


Bones Would Rain from the Sky by Suzanne Clothier - this book was just suggested to me. I haven't read it yet but more than one person recommended so it's on my reading list. It looks good!


When Pigs Fly by Jane Killion

Dog being aggressive?

Feed him by hand, it will help aton Report It

Dog being aggressive?

well if he is under the age of 2 its normal when i got my jack russel terrier he did he same thing just wait a while and if he dosnt grow outta it he might be sick . if u go to pet him and he courads down then u can tell if he was beat as a puppy

Dog being aggressive?

Sounds like he was abused and starved but he seems to have gotten the idea that you are the alpha dog. Don't use your foot.

Might I also suggest that you go to the Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, website and see if you can pick up some tips. Maybe you could go to and pick up a used book by Cesar Milan.

I would also suggest that you give this doggie lots of love and attention but also be firm. Do not use the crate for punishment use words such as no, bad dog, etc.

There may come a time that you need to crate you dog for an extensive trip and the dog will get the idea that he is being punished during the entire trip and end up being traumatized.

Just my suggestion.

Dog being aggressive?

fox terriors and jack russells are naturally aggressive breeds of dogs. What you need to do is to show him that you are boss, never raise him above your head level, you should always be higher than him, to show who's in charge.

when he growls, say no in a firm voice and ignore him

all it takes is mainly patience and training

another thing, the saying that you cant teach an old dog new tricks is total lies. My dog is 8 years old and i taught her to close doors in about 3 days

Dog being aggressive?

Apparently he had to fight litter mates or other dogs for food and became, I think they call it,food aggressive. I call it hungry. That can be changed to a reasonable degree as soon as he figures out no more going hungry. Then probably punished for fighting for his share as the running under the table and going submissive immediately (belly up) behavior indicates . He is afraid. He needs to adapt a little more before somebody "punishes him to much" Give the kid at least four days to figure out the rules. He can not read your mind .......yet. Try not to yell a bunch just a firm slightly louder no will help him figure territory etc. And lots of love and attention treats when he sits at your leg or sits in your lap or what ever. Try not to over react to bad behavior again a firm loud no or if possible ignore bad behavior, The sweetie will be food driven probably all his life but that can be a great!! thing for training. You will be amazed at what he will do for food! lol The first four days he is a newbie . I would not use the crate as punishment that is like sending a kid to his room he learns to hate his bed. Oh yeah did I say lots of attention He really needs to know this is his home and he is safe. Not a new place he has to figure out really fast and heck it is only four days. Patience is a virtue till you meet a terrier and then it is sainthood hahaha lol

Where did you get him? breeder? store? humane shelter ?

seems he has had a tough life before now. Help him trust you and things will be fine. Reward good ( positive attention)

ignore bad (no attention) One of the worst punishments for a dog is to ignore him/her. They are pack animals!! So social interaction is one of the things they live for!

Oh cereal like cheerios make great baby bites . Tear up a piece of bread and butter bite size Got an old sock knot it up play with it, high pitch sounds oh what a good boy remind him of his mamas' whines of love.

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