Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

Here is the pic....

He is a 6 and a half week old Great Dane. I went to the vet after purchasing my puppy and asked him and he took a quick look and said it was a pimple. Yet it doesn't pop like a pimple and I was wondering if it may look like a blocked whisker follicle or something. There is no hair coming out of the middle of it, but there is a little indent in the middle of the bump. What do you guys think it is?

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

Yup its an infected hair folicle. You can use some mild pimple cream on it just before putting the pup down for the night or even a stridex pad for sensitive skin and wipe it with one of those. Pups often get these if their sloppy drinkers. Also are you using stainless steel water and food dishes?? If not get some. Plastic bowls and ceramic bowls will harbor bacteria and can cause these little bumps. They usually go away on their own. Only get worried if they become hugh.

You pup is very cute!

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

p.s. ...picked up some Canidae Lamb and brown rice (all life stages) food today which I will be mixing with my Natural Choice Lg. Breed Puppy formula till the Natural Choice is gone. Then I will be switching to the Canidae. thanks for the suggestion Report It

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

Your so very welcome. I hope your pup is a wonderful as I think it will be. The very best of luck! Report It

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

If it doesn't go away try another vet.

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

I would keep and eye on it, if it does not get any better or does not go away with in a couple of weeks I would take him back to the vet or to another vet.

I have never heard of a dog getting a pimple


What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

hmmm i would say a pimple

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

Why didn't your vet try to lance it? Did he put him on an antibiotic? How long has he had this?

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

I'm sorry but wen my doy had a bump on its nose it was cancer get it checked again plez

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

looks to be a blocked folicle.. I would gently try and squeeze it...

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

My puppy gets them a lot, he actually looks like your dog... I think my dog gets them from his mouth getting rubbed up against things when he chews on stuff. I keep him in a kennel at night and sometimes he rubs his nose on the bars and gets little blistery looking bumps like that. If the vet said it was a pimple and wasn't too worried, I would assume it's not a big problem. They go away on my puppy after a about a week or so. Pretty much like a pimple on my face would if I left it there.

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

It is perfectly harmless! I have a 19 month old Great Dane and she gets these all the time playing with my other dogs. They are pimples to a degree and also little nip marks. They do go away on their own and do not need treatment of any kind. Don't play with them as they will sometimes hurt the dog a little but not much-only when pushed and picked at. It is absolutely nothing to worry about. Just enjoy him and make sure you train him now so he learns you are pack leader.

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

It looks just like the bumps my English Bulldog used to get on his snout. I believe they were called either some type of cyst or a cellesion. Either way, he needed antibiotic ointment to get rid of them,he got one about every summer for 3 years,sometimes 2 per year. They sometimes gor real res a puffy and they looked horrible. I actually thought the first one was like a pimple so I tried to pop it...I know shot across the room and it smelled horrible it's both puss and blood inside and I don't recommend squeezing it. That will only make it larger and more sore for him. Get some ointment called Derma-Vet and he may even need an oral antibiotic because it's a skin infection. Let me know how he does.Your description is identical to what I am talking about,it doesn't pop like a pimple if it's not big enough,it will if it gets big,it has no hair but a hole in the center...this is exactly what my dog used to need an antibiotic topical for sure,possibly oral too. please keep me .posted

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

My dog had a similar bump on his nose. It turned out that it was a pimple. All we could do was use alcohol swabs on it to dry it out. As with humans, you wouldn't want to pop it. You should let it take care of itself so it doesn't get infected. If you notice any swelling this could be a sign of infection. Otherwise, your cute puppy should be fine in no time! Good luck to you both :)

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

Some breeds are prone to these on their snouts and the inside of the ear whehn they are young. They are some kind of cyst that will go away on its own. When my dog got them, my vet took a small sample just make sure it wasn't cancer and then left them alone and said if they didn't go away by the time he was 6 months then he would remove. They all went away on their own within one month.

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

im not sure what it is but my dog gets them too and my vet told me it was a pimple. i just leave them alone and sometimes they go away and sometimes they dont. i would wash it up and clean it. it could be a blocked folicle. so just try to wash it everyday and maybe use a pimple cream im not sure if it will work.

What is this bump on my dog's snout? (picture included)?

It is a pimple. Most likely from a whisker follicle. When you puppy goes through his teenage stage in about 6 months, he will probably get many of them. While he is a little young for such a large pimple, I would not be concerned at this time.

However keep an eye on it. Demotic mange and/or strangles is a little more serious. These are more auto-immune issues, often found in less than quality bred Great Danes and other breeds when a breeder does not much care for genetic health.

As a first time Dane owner with so many questions I recommend you download the book: "The Great Dane, Model of Nobility" by Jill Swedlow. If you google Sunnyside Danes or Sunstryke Danes Jill offers the download for free. If you can find a hard copy get that, but they are hard to find as her book is now out of print.

Her book covers proper food for giant breeds, the pimple thing, crate training, puppy socialization, etc.......The only thing I disagree with her book is the ear cropping. Ear cropping is not medically necessary and purely for cosmetic reasons. I have two natural eared danes and two cropped ones. Both of the cropped dogs have had many vet visits to deal with ear problems. The natural eared Danes, never once.

You sound pretty excited about having a Dane puppy. They are quite fun.

Good luck


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