Thursday, June 17, 2010

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

I have delivered litters before and i know how everything happens but she seems to be ''nesting'' in my hair??? for the past few days she has been digging in my, lap on my face when i am sleeping, and in my hair she has to sleep on my head every night. she has a welping box and her blanket and stuffed animal in there to make it more familiar for her but she stays put on my head! if i put her down on the floor she will scratch at the bed and whine until i pick her up. if i am in the bath she scratches at the tub i just tested a theory and picked her up while in the tub and she layed on my chest. she follows me to and from bathroom, kitchen etc. she even has to be in my lap when on the computer! (right now!) she is due around dec. 3rd and her temp has dropped to 99.7 so it will be soon now but i am affraid i am going to wake up to a new born pup in my hair! any comments? it is quite funny and curious!

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

. .,i have a new littler, myself . five days ago [,chihuahua] it was her third . she was almost that bad two days before she had hers ,she was under my feet all the time .but when her time came she disappeared into her box and had them . i think they go thru a mothering ,fave

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

You can name the first puppy "Hairy"

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

Sounds like she is getting ready to deliver and she just wants to be close to you. You could try to put her in a kennel at night just in case she has the puppies. Yeah they act strange sometimes when they are about to give birth. Just watch her closely and monitor that temp.

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

Your diagnosis is correct, particularly if your dog's performances are making you laugh more than usual.

My pregnant Papillon dog is acting funny????

hi I have been breeding dogs fofr twenty years and each one is different. Remember that they can delivery fromday 57 on wards so work from that date but keep monitoring her temp for sudden drop and slight raise. Some show all the signs of delivery and some none. Good luck....

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