Sunday, June 20, 2010

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

I have a black Flatcoat Retriever. He is like a black Lab with a thick coat of hair, fussy ears and a fussy tail (for those of you unfamilure with Flatcoat Retrievers). He is still under 1 year old so I just think it is his immaturity and excitement. When I put the leash on him he wants to grab part of it with his mouth and tug on it. What can I do to stop this?

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

LMAO,, we who show goldens , border collies, and aussies encourage our dogs to play with the leash to relieve stress.. in your case,, when he tugs on the leash say UT UH and then make him sit. when he realizes the walk will not continue he will get the idea..

FYI leash walks are not going to cut it with a Flat COat,,, they are high energy hunting dogs,, you need to let him run loose ( provided he is trained and you have a large field or trails in the woods to walk on) other wise,, play tennis ball fetch with him for a long time..

you may be interested in akc retriever /hunting trials /tests,, fun sport. you will meet many people there and your dog will have a fun time doing what he was bred to do

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

find an enclosed dog park and let him off his leash for a little while

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

I know I had this problem with my black lab. It is a common puppy-thing and will grow out of it, if you really want to stop it then you should try a harness? they hook on to the back so he cannot reach it, and also consider getting a stop-pull harness because when he gets older, he will pull. Not all dogs do pull but unless your tracking then use a non-pull harnesses.

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

Go to a pet store and purchase a product called I believe "Bitter's" The pump action spray leaves a bitter taste on your beloved animal and it only take one or maybe three times of your pet to taste it on the leash to learn quickly not to do this. Since he is under 1 year old, he is experimenting with all sorts of new experiences. You can also use this safely on your homes table legs, chair legs etc. He is probably getting used to a leash - over time Retriever's which are very smart will learn!! That is why they call them Retrievers - they were originally bred to retrieve - not be led....Give it a try and Good Luck!!

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

Take yourself and him to a good training class and learn how to properly train your dog. This is simply one thing he is doing that you can't control so he will grow up continuing to be out of control since you don't know how to train him. Most of dog training is actually training the person properly teach him and you aren't well trained :) It isn't his immaturity or excitement, it is your inability to train him properly... Good luck..

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

It sound like you need to teach him to walk on a leash. Here are some steps.

1.The training for this should always be outdoors. He should be wearing a comfortable collar. Let him look at and smell the leash then attach it to his collar.

2.With him on your left hold the leash and a treat in your right hand. Your left hand holds the slack of the leash ready to slide down to his collar. Tell him to sit.

3.Begin to walk with your left foot first. As he walks beside you give the command heel. If he jumps forward slide your left hand down to his collar and pull back.

4.When he is in the heel position give him the treat and praise him. Then tell him to sit. Slowly increase the distance you cover as he obeys the commands.

5.Once he is walking to heel and sits obodiently, you can train him to turn right. Guide him around to the right with your left hand and give him the command heel.

6.To make a left turn increase your own speed and hold a treat in front of his nose to slow him down. Keep him close to your left leg and give the command steady as he slows down.

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

try a non pull harness they cant reach the leash in the back but you have a high enegry dog on your hands so try a big fenced in yard and a nice dog park if your dog isnt agressive

My dog chews/tugs on his leash when I run or walk with him...what can I do to stop this?

What has started as excitement/playfulness and immaturity has turned into him having trained you to let him pull and tug on the lead. I would not put up with this, he is making his own rules up.

Everytime he goes to tug you give a tug back on the lead and shout in a deep voice 'NO!' and stop walking, as soon as he is calm and not grabbing the lead, you carry on the walk, he will catch on after a few times, probably chance his luck, but just be consistent. The main thing is to be quick, try if you can to do this as he turns to the lead before he actually does it but has the intent. If you are a split second late and he already is biting the lead then just do the exact same thing.

being consistent is key to sucess as he is already in the habit. If this fails you can spray pet corrector spray as he does it but this can be hard when you are trying to hold the lead correctly etc

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