Sunday, June 20, 2010

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

I have a four year old male Lab. He must have someone with him at all times. If I leave my home he runs from one end of the house to the other barking and jumping up on the door to see out the window. He will not even go to the bathroom by himself. When I tried putting him out alone, he wouldn't leave the stoop. After a couple of minutes he began running around the house jumping at every window and door trying to get back in. When I first got him I lived in an apartment, and he had to be leashed at all times when out (city requirement). I have since moved into a home with an acre of space for him. He seems comfortable; but still will not go out into the yard alone. He also barks and his hair stands up at anyone that may visit. Relatives included. Even if he has interacted with them before. I'd like to take him for walks and to play in the park; but with his behavior it's just not possible. ANY confidence building ideas are welcomed!

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

Set up some rules. A dog in a structured environment helps with their confidence. Keep up with the training also.

The first few times you may want to go for a nice long walk or run with your dog around the property. Go out there yourself and hide treats around the yard. Do that a few times until he isn't so scared of the unknown.

Tell him to down while in the house. When you get up put him in down. When you walk away make sure to keep him in down - till YOU tell him to get up. Don't let him be so clingy.

You let him know when it's affection time - just because he comes to sit next to you doesn't mean you have to pet him. Don't let him on the furniture unless you say so.

You're not neglecting your dog - you're setting bounderies.

When people come into your house have him on a leash. When he gets upset or shows signs of getting up set IMMEDIATELY put him in down and keep him there. That is him submitting.


Good Luck

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

This may not help too much - but I do know that petting a dog under their chin makes them feel proud and confident. It's at least a little something! Sorry I can't be of more help!

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

Don't let him "cry it out".... Like most irresponsible puppy parents do

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

This sounds a little like separation anxiety. You may want to contact a trainer, who would be better able to help.

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

May I suggest an excellent book by Cesar Melan, the dog whisperer. Your dog has separation anxiety and could use another dog for company. That helped my lab, she is still very submissive, but has someone to take her energy out on. Good Luck!

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

If you're willing to make the commitment, maybe you can ask your vet to recommend an obedience training class that's based on positive reinforcement. It worked wonders for our high drive, attention demanding dog, and also helped us to develop a relationship that today is more fun and rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

kill him

How do I make my insecure dog feel confident?

Does he put his tail between his hind legs? Does he lower his head whenever someone else is near or at any time. Does he show his teeth? If he wags his tail when does he do this? He's a sporting dog do you train him in this capacity? Please answer these questions for me, and maybe we can come to a resolution.

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