Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

In the morning when my dad was walking Judge later he came back and said he smelled something weird and the hairs on his spine stood up. I though that sounded kind of interesting but I didn't think much of it. Then later in the afternoon when I was walking him he walked down the street to where you see someone's yard and stood very stiffly. He kept his ground and then his hair started sticking up on his back like a cat's... and he started growling and barking at something I couldn't see. It's so unlike him because if there's something bothering him he charges and bays, but he was ready for a fight-or-flee reaction and was barking in a way I've never seen before in him. He was very eager to get away but seemed intrigued by the scent left behind. What do you think it could be? There are some small woods surrounding the house and later when I walked him again he tried to pull me farther down onto another street but I didn't want to walk there. I know once they found a dead deer on the

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

Even if he usually fights, sometimes a dog can tell simply by the smell of something that it could be very dangerous. I used to have a pitbull/lab/shepherd mix that would fight any dog, racoon, oppossum, groundhog (we lived in the country) that came close to our house, but when it came to a skunk or coyote, she would growl and walk around stiff-legged with her hackles up...wouldn't go anywhere near it. So it could be a wild animal that he just doesn't want to mess with, but doesn't want to abandon you or whoever else happens to be walking him.

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

could be, or it could be a spirit or something dogsa don't like them!

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

Could be. I have seen this in my dogs and heard of it in my day care dogs. Trust your dog. stay away from that area until he stops this action. My dog is very friendly and loving to the point to were he is a pain. One day we were at the complex dumpster and a man bent down to pet him. That was the first time Cliff has ever growled. The fur on his back was strait up. I could not beleve it. I apologized and told him that I didn't know what had gotten into him. Two weeks later the man was arrested for beeting his wife half to death. Cliff knew he was bad news.

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

yes it could be the coyote but it could also be a spirit. dogs can see them but they don't necessarily not like them. it could be a bad spirit or one that the dog just don't like and is pertecting you. so don't be worried after a little while he will stop.

Dog is freaking out over something... not exactly sure what?

it could have been a raccoon coyote but i don't really know

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