Friday, November 27, 2009

Can one dog be allergic to another?

I have a ten year old dachshund that has developed allergies out of the blue in the last 3 months. He breaks out in rashes and scratches until he bleeds and he also chews up his feet. I've had to take him to the vet a couple of times, he got a cone, benedryl and steroids. I have a 1.5 year old lab so I sent the dachshund to my mom's to recover, which he did, but it all flared back up again when he came home. Now he's been at my mom's for 2 weeks and is all better. We've tried changing his bedding and his food. We've prohobited him from playing in the back yard. At this point I can't figure out what triggers his allergies. All I can think about is the Lab. He sheds "ALOT" and he shared a bed with the Dachshund. Could the doxie be allergic to the lab hair or dander? If that's the case, why would it just start happening now and not in the past year and a half they've lived together?

Can one dog be allergic to another?

Its his diet. I had problems with my dog and I know dogs which the vet had diagnosed with allergies, when their diets were changed to a grain free diet the so called allergies disappeared.

Perhaps he started itching again when he was re united with the lab because the effect of the medication had worn off.

From research I now know that the experts say that grain is VERY BAD FOR DOGS.It causes numerous problems including skin problems.

Google grain free dog food which also excludes rice, dairy food and anything connected with beef.

Do let us know what happens.

Can one dog be allergic to another?

I have a dachshund that will be five in March and she does the same thing. I even bought a air purifier. I give her allergy shots and have tried several foods. Nothing helps. All she does is lick and she licks so much she gets sores on her feet. I feel so sorry for her. I have also tried benedryl and steriods. The benedryl dries her out so much she drinks a lot of water and pees her bed, and the steriods don't help either. I did read that if their skin is dried out to give them fish caps. I give Suzie 3Vcaps and she has a beautiful coat but she still scratches. I am more concerned with her back . I give her fresh factors from springtime. I also give her the joint and stress vitamins. I know you have to be careful with the shampoo you use and my baby gets a lot of ear infections so I try and remember to was her ears out once a week. If anybody has any ideas I would love to know how to stop the scratching. I thought it could be stress from my other dog (Tibetan Terrier Molly who is only 2 months younger than Suzie) Sometimes they don't get along because the Dachshund wants to be Alpha and now the Tibetan Terrier Molly wants to be Alpha. My dachshund is very strong willed and will not back down. Sometimes they draw blood. I have to baby gate my dachshund into two rooms of my house only because she is a chewer. I have had her stomach cut open three times. Once for spaying the other two for foreign objects she had eaten. She eats everything, my clother, my money, my pens etc. I can't give her chew bones because she will swallow them whole. I had to take her t o emergy room and they have to make her vomit. I have so many questions about dachshunds because I never had a dog like this before. I would not trade her for the world but I have to almost have a baby sitter to watch her when I clean the upstairs of my house.

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