I give her two - three baths every week..I brush her daily..and still! there's hair everywhere! I don't understand why she sheds to much..she's a dachshund/beagle/lab mix. The vet said that she's in good health so the shedding isn't caused by poor nutrition..the vet also said to brush her daily. [we have.] and then he suggested we shave her..My mom doesn't like that idea but if we have to...then we will..
Can anyone tell me what to do to stop the shedding or atleast decrease it??
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
Stop bathing her so often!
We have a beagle who sheds alot. Two things have helped.
1. At PetSmart they have a product called Shed-Stop. You pour a little on her food every day. It really does help.
2. After giving her a bath, use a blow dryer to dry her and brush her at the same time. THIS REALLY HELPS! Once I didn't have time to blow dry (which she loves) and she shed like crazy.
Good luck!
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
Try adding some fish oil to her diet....seems to help
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
You're washing her WAY too much. Over-bathing can cause to dry skin and increase shedding because you're taking all of the natural oils out of her coat and drying out her hair.
Wash her once a month and brush her daily, the shedding will still occur, but shouldn't be as big of a problem.
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
I was just at the Pet Store yesterday and on the counter they had a DVD player on showing this new brush. The guy showed it to me it has little metal teeth on it to get to the under coat, he said it just came out and the feed back he has got has been phenomenal. Here in Canada it's going for $39.00. Also you can give your dog Ferretone (oil) a few drops in it's water.
You shouldn't bath your dog that much either...bad for their skin.
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
There are additives you can put in her food to lessen the shedding. Omega 5 helps as well as Brewer's Yeast. Your dog will still shed, but not as much.
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
Stop bathing her. She only needs it once or twice a year. All dogs shed, nothing you can do about it. She will shed her entire life, more in the spring and fall. The bathing is also making things worse as you are drying up her coat.
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
Don't bath her so often. I don't know if that will help with the shedding. Giving her a bath that often will dry out her skin and will cause her to itch like crazy. Bath her once ever month or so. On top of brushing her, have you tried a lint brush? Her coat is not really long, I would assume from the mixes you mentioned. So the brush would kind of go right through the loose and attached hair. The lint brush would pick up the loose hair. Shaving her wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't shave her to the skin. It might cause her to get sun burn. But, shaving her down some would be more comfortable in this heat. Even if you shave her, she may still shed, just smaller hairs. Since you are in the habit of brushing her every day anyway, continue to do so and then use the lint brush.
Help! My dog will NOT stop shedding!?
hi you dont need to bath her that much shes not human , once every couple of months is better as for the shedding , brush her twice a day and get used to the hair she will always shed ,my hubby moans abit about it but he adores the dog buy a little hand held hoover , but sorry get used to it xx
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