Ok i have a cockapoo and his eyes get very watery from his long hair always getting in his eyes.Anyways since his eyes are watery theres like brown stuff around his eyes.I tried this one product, but it's not working at all.any suggestions on any other eye products?
Question about my dog?
The brownish coloring on the fur under the eyes is due to a fungus which is attracted to the animals eye fluids. It's totally harmless but ruins the dogs coat color. Try this remedy. Buy some organic apple cider vinegar give one teaspoon twice a day in his food for a 50 lb dog. This will do the job. You'll notice an improvement in about two to three weeks. It's also best to get your groomer to shave the fur around his face so his eyes and his fur around his eyes can be easily cleaned. Never use human eye drops on your dogs eyes. Sometimes even changing your dogs diet may help. Some dogs cannot take soy protein and are allergic. Read the labels on your dogs food guide.
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Water and a cloth. Wash it every day. That is all I have to say.
Question about my dog?
HAHAHA whyd you get a cockapoo? Yes, try other products, if it continues, consider shearing the hair that gets in its eyes. Also wash it every day, It could be dust or accumalated dirt.
Question about my dog?
Washing is probably the best thing for it, also I suggest you trim the hair around his eyes, to prevent this from happening again.
Question about my dog?
Im not too sure on any products but if you just get a cotton wool ball and wet it and wipe his eyes then it should help him! =)
Question about my dog?
Isn't a Cockapoo a bird? Maybe you are in the wrong section. There is no breed as a Cockapoo.
Question about my dog?
What does your vet or groomer suggest? There are a lot of products on the market but not all work on all dogs. keepin the hair trimmed and feeding a quality food helps.
I have heard there are special wipes that help (made for dogs eyes) also a product called 'angel eyes' is suppose to be good.
But check with your vet just in case...
Question about my dog?
First of all, shorten the hair around his eyes so that the hair doesn't fall into his eyes.
Secondly wash the stain, you can use things like lemon juice or vinegar to remove the stain (do NOT get any of the liquid in his eyes)
Thirdly, to prevent the stain from re-occuring smear a little vaseline on the hair under the corner of the eye (this is a show dog trick).
The stain happens because dog's tears have a red pigment and this is what stains the coat.
And for the person who thinks this a bird a Cockapoo is usually a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle - one of these new labels for "designer" mutts, basically some breeder has a (female dog) that had an accident and can get more money for a "designer" dog than for a mutt.
Question about my dog?
that brown stuff is what we call sleep. crusty brown ****....my dog is blind from cataracts and has some other issues with his tear ducts and i use, (the vet told me to use it), artificial tear drops from any good drug store.
Question about my dog?
Wash them daily.
But it may not entirely be from his hair shorter dogs get stuff in their eyes from walking on carpet. If you have carpet you may have to vacuum it daily also. They get carpet fibers and dust that we don't even see.
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