shes 3 years old and is kind of overweight because of her past pregnancies. just recently she had a bump on the side of her leg. The bump is probably the size of a pea. The bump is so big that the hair on it is sticking out. Please help i dont want to lose her, i love her too much.
Does my dog have cancer?
The old adage of "I won't go to hospitals because everyone there is sick" just isn't good advice- I would take your dog to the vet, because there are so many things it could be that only a vet can diagnose it. Wouldn't you feel bad if it's something they can treat now, but because you waited because you are scared of the diagnosis, that it can't be treated?
Does my dog have cancer?
go to the vet... for her age I doubth its any serious , but take good care of her.... by the way , my dog is resting since last december... he was a beautiful 15 years old chow chow... so take care of her... good luck!!!!
Does my dog have cancer?
Why don't you take her to the VET and have it looked at!!!!!
No one here can tell you if it cancer or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That makes no sense. Don't take her to the vet because it MIGHT be cancer, or leave it and let the dog linger until it dies??????? Doesn't make sense.
LOL!!!!! Autism!!!! Yes, that has got to be it!!! I agree!!!!
Does my dog have cancer?
i would diagnose your dog with autism.. but hey, i'm not a vet.
Does my dog have cancer?
The vet can tell by either looking at, feeling, or doing a needle aspiration or punch biopsy what the mass is. If needed, the mass can be removed and sent out to a lab for further analysis.
Don't worry. First take her to the doctor for his analysis.
Does my dog have cancer?
this is probably not cancerous, but only a vet can diagnose!!
You are, however, pre-disposing her to various cancers since she is not spayed. If you want to eliminate and lower the chances of certain cancers, have her spayed ASAP!
Does my dog have cancer?
If you love her so much, why have you bred her??
Poor thing needs to go to the vet, get spayed, and have that bump looked at.
What are you waiting for???
Does my dog have cancer?
TAKE HER TO THE VETS NOW. (Dont worry though it may not be serious. But nevertheless take her to the vets now.)
Does my dog have cancer?
Well, if it is cancer, catching it early is the best chance she has of survival.
She needs to get to a vet and be seen. NOW.
Does my dog have cancer?
Take her to the vets. There are lots of different types of lumps and bumps. Your vet is the best person to help you and your dog. It's probably nothing to worry about, but if it is the quicker you get her treated the better.Your vet should be able to sort it out one way or another and put your mind at rest. Good luck.
Does my dog have cancer?
Taking her to a vet will not make it be cancer if it isn't. Taking her to the Vet. will allow you to know what you are really dealing with. It may be just a cyst. You will only know after a medical professional looks at it and possibly does some test. Once you know what it is then you can consider your options, make a decision and move forward knowing what you are doing. Having a what if hanging over you head will just be a constant worry.
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