Friday, November 27, 2009

My cat likes to chew on my hair?

.. especially when it's wet. If I'm sitting on the floor, he'll jump up on his hind legs and sniff my hair, then pull little pieces out with his paws and chew it. I'm assuming this is a normal cat thing,

but does anyone know why they do it? Is it affection; is he grooming me? He really loves water, so I thought maybe he was just trying to get a cool drink.

If this is one of those things that all cat people just "know", you'll have to excuse me as I've always had dogs up until this point.

My cat likes to chew on my hair?

Yes, it's a cat thing! One of my cats does it too. He loves you...All the best;~)

My cat likes to chew on my hair?

I'm not sure why they do it. I have a Calico who LOVEEEEEEEEES to give kisses, and she laps the top of my head on a regular basis. If I pull away, she wants to kiss me even more and purrs like mad lol

My cat likes to chew on my hair?

my cats do this to me all the time put your hair up and teach it to leave your hair alone.if it listens up the fosit and let he'll drink out of it.

My cat likes to chew on my hair?

My cat has some pecularities too. She loves to lick anything on me that is scented (ie. wherever I've put lotion or perfume or washed with scented soap). Within the last year she's started biting my hair in the morning while I'm trying to sleep. I'm not sure if that's due to a change in my shampoo and conditioner (I shower right before going to bed) or whether she's trying to wake me up to feed her. I have to pull the covers over my head to get her to stop biting.

Your cat is probably just being affectionate. My cat also likes cold water so that could be part of it.

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