Saturday, November 28, 2009

What kind of dog is my puppy?

I bought my puppy back in July and was told she was a long hair chihuahua, but she looks nothing like one. Does anyone have an idea of what kind of breed my puppy is? Here is a link to her picture.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

Definitely not a chihuahua!!!! You were definitely lied to by the place you bought it from (I'm guessing pet store or puppy in the same) and you're probably not going to be able to get your money back. Judging by the coloring, coat, and face, I would guess some sort of spaniel....maybe springer. Could also be any number of small breed dogs. Here's a springer pic:

**After seeing the two new pics, I have to agree with the people saying shih tzu or peekapoo.** I've seen young shih tzu's and the two new pics look just like them.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

i dont know but she sure is cute !

What kind of dog is my puppy?

cute but can't tell sorry.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

That puppy is not a Chihuahua - it could be a springer spaniel. A little hard to tell form the photo - cute though.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

She looks like a lot of small dogs. Maybe a Bichon Frise... sorry, I could be wrong. However, although it's really nice to say she's a certain breed, I suggest you get a dog breed book from a library, and figure out what she looks most like. That way you can say she looks like _ but you don't know the actual breed. It doesn't matter that much...

What kind of dog is my puppy?

very cute no sure what she looks like. Maybe cocker spaniel not sure.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

cutie pie

What kind of dog is my puppy?

Looks like a Coper Spaniel.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

It looks like some sort of mixed spaniel. I can't tell you what kind, but I'm sure that she's a mixed breed. Oh, and she is awfully cute. Her looks just make you want to say, Awwwwwwwww!

What kind of dog is my puppy?

take a look at the mirror....

What kind of dog is my puppy?

Lol, not a chihuahua, sorry! But she does look like a possible Shih-tzu mix with the curved nose and the more prominent chin. She is probably a GOK....God Only Knows. Lol.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

It will be easier to tell once she is grown because then you know the weight and hight and also see some of the personality traits. She may be a mix of a Chihuahua with another small dog. Sure very sweet and cute!

What kind of dog is my puppy?

She doesn`t look like a chihuahua to me,,,her face looks too square..can you not find out more information from where you bought her?

What kind of dog is my puppy?

Very cute puppy! She looks like a Boarder Collie to me. Like Fly from the movie Babe!

What kind of dog is my puppy?

i agree with amanda above...shih tzu. adorable nonetheless!

What kind of dog is my puppy?

Your dog looks alot like my puppies. They are Peekapoos. I have pics that were taken at 2 weeks old. They are the cutest things.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

aww its cute. it looks like it has some spaniel mix in it

What kind of dog is my puppy?

My guess is a cockapoo. I have a peekapoo and her snout and ears are different. Shih-poo maybe.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

i have no clue but it kinda looks like a spaniel mix idk but i'm sure you'll be able to tell much easier when it grows up

What kind of dog is my puppy?

She looks like a shi tzu mix, she is cute.

What kind of dog is my puppy?

i don't know but she sure is a pretty little thing

What kind of dog is my puppy?

LMAO!!! Chihuahua????

*I'm* more chihuahau than IT is!!!!



You ***BOUGHT*** it??? Oh my...

What kind of dog is my puppy?

looks like she could be a mix of several things.. in the 1st picture...she looked a little like a cocker spaniel, now that she is older..looks like maybe some shihtzu or llhasa apso in her...

Shih tzu photo:

llhasa photo:

What kind of dog is my puppy?

I'm not so sure. Perhaps a Cocker Spaniel but it's absolutely not a Chihuahua. She's so cute and fluffy!

What kind of dog is my puppy?

she is a shitzu

What kind of dog is my puppy?

I would say definitely some shih tzu..maybe mixed with poodle. Not a chihuahua but adorable anyways! The black and white color is very common in shih tzus but her nose is longer, not as flat...

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