Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Introducing new dog?

I'm trying to adopt a female catahoula that's 4yrs old to my male doberman/lab mix that's 1yrs old and a male beagle that wondered up one day. She is inside right now but she will have to use the restroom some time. The only thing i knew to do is pet her then go outside and let them smell visevera. But I'm concered the initial meeting. My husband won't be home until this evening. So what can i do to help. They have only seen each other though the glass door and I shut the curtains. Their hair was standing up and barking and houling at each other. Help!!!

Introducing new dog?

You should wait until your husband gets home. Then go to a neutral spot, a place where neither dog calls there own such as a park. You take one dog, and your hubby can take the other. Take them both for a walk and slowly let them interact depending on how they receive each other. Don't introduce them in the home, you're setting yourself up for failure.

Introducing new dog?

they should have (and still) meet on NEUTRAL territory. never at home.

Introducing new dog?

Many people think they can just bring a new dog home and let the dogs work things out themselves. For the lucky ones this works out OK, but more often than not people find themselves in the middle of a dog fight and wonder what went wrong.

Dogs are pack animals. The average pet owner does not have a clue about how strong the genetic instincts are that float just under the fur of their lovable family pet.

The average pet owner does not realize how the addition of a second or third dog into their home will trigger a genetic pack drive or RANK DRIVE response in their best friend. In fact, many people are shocked and confused when they see the aggression that results from their family dog.

There is usually more than one thing going on that result in these problems. To name just a few: a house dog is often territorial; they can be rank or dominant; or there can be inter-male or inter-female issues that result in aggression.

Introducing new dog?

I would wait for introductions until you have help first off. I'd put her in a different room or close the blinds so they can't see each other until you ready to proceed. Everybody should be on leashes and if possible, do the introductions off-site, maybe at your neighborhood park.

As for potty today, take her out front for the time being.

Introducing new dog?

Try having both on a leash with your hubby holding one and you holding the other with treats is they act right praise an treat and love pet and praise.. don't let them get to close only enough to touch noses them pull them back or put one on one side of the fence other on other side ..... watch there body language and behavior, after time and allot of treats they will be best friends

Introducing new dog?

I agree with not introducing them until your husband gets home. For the time being, take the new dog for a walk to go to the bathroom.

When your husband gets home, have him take the two dogs on a walk. Take the new dog with you and follow a little later. When you get to an area where you two can stop for a while, let them meet with leashes on. Let them sniff each other. Try to keep the males calm by petting them and talking to them. If they are acting nicely, give them a little more slack and watch them. It may take a while for them to be comfortable. I wouldn't let them play off leash until you are sure they like each other.

Introducing new dog?

they need to meet each other on neutral ground. Take them to a park and let them sniff. DO NOT let them get within biting distance from each other. You can not just expect them to be pals right away. Next you close off an area of your house with a baby gate and let them each run around in one of the places. Then switch. What this does is it lets them see each other through the gate and at the same time smell each other and possibly interact. You should only do thins when you are in the house and watching them though because if one goets over the fence you may have troubles. and yes you may have some marking of the territory (peeing) but it is cleaned up easily. The into could take a week or so. Dont rush into anything. if you do you will likely have a dog fight on your hands. Do it slowly. Hope it will help.

Introducing new dog?

Between your Dobbie/lab mix and the beagle, which is the Alpha dog? Which tends to lead the other?

Whichever it is, take that dog first to meet the catahoula. Take the catahoula out the front and have hubby take the other out the back... meet up in a neighborhood park, neighbors yard, anywhere BUT your yard. (by you taking the catahoula, instead of the alpha of your home......you are telling the alpha that YOU accept the catahoula into YOUR pack. I'm assuming you are the primary dog care giver of the home here. In reality, YOU should be the alpha, but dogs ...when faced with other dogs, don't see it that way.)

Have them both leashed. Allow them to "meet" each other. Let them sniff and inspect each other. When the alpha from your home accepts the catahoula, it will be easier to introduce her to the beta dog that is still at home. (OR you can get a third person and bring all three dogs to the park, but the Dobbie/lab an beagle might "gang up" on the catahoula ....so bringing one is easier)

When meeting, if they start to snap and growl....talk to the "Alpha" of your home in a calm voice and reassure him/her that you are not replacing him/her...just adding to the pack. You can reassure the catahoula too, but be certain to let the established dog (alpha) know that you realize this is tough, by showing lots of love and calmness. You can even treat the alpha when he/she acts well around the catahoula. Once they seem to "tolerate" each other, walk home together...as a family.

Remember, part of dogs meeting is to sniff fronts and backs....so do not discourage this. Allow the to meet the way they istinctively do....not the way you think they should. Try to keep them from fighting, although I am guessing that the alpha will do some low growling or grunting, to tell the catahoula that he/she is the leader of the pack and that these are the rules.

You may have to bring the other dog (wether it be the beagle or the dobbie/lab mix) out and do the same thing..and then introduce them all three together.

IF your dogs are trained and realize that YOU are the true alpha of the home, they will accept the catahoula as you have.

You might wish to purchase muzzles and use one on each dog if you worry about them fighting when they meet. I personally do not agree with a muzzle but it might be the best thing you could do.

Good luck and please keep us up on what transpires. I'm curious to find out how they all get along.

Introducing new dog?

Ooooh...I would have a friend (of course your husband is the best candidate) take the Catahoula and meet you and the other dogs at a local park or something...NEUTRAL territory. I wouldn't do this introduction alone either...in case they really start to fight.

Right now, your dogs think this new dog is inside THEIR territory...an INTRUDER! And they're probably really uneasy about it not being able to get to her and get her out of there.

Here's how I would do the introduction:

Get them on neutral ground before anything else. Have your friend stand with the Catahoula a ways away until your dogs are under control and more calm about her presence. Praise them for their calmness...maybe even give a treat.

Have her slowly (but confidently) move closer based on their comfort level and approach from the side...NOT from the front/face-to-face. Eventually, you should start walking as if you're on a walk. Walk briskly and don't let your dogs pay attention to anything but you and walking. Then, your friend should come and walk next to you. None of the dogs should be allowed to pay attention to anything but moving forward and their handler. Walk like this for a while. Then, when you feel they are ok with eachother, walk home all together.

Another good way would be to go to an off-leash park and let them meet that way on their own. Then, do the walking thing and walk home together.

Remember that she's still new to them well after the initial introduction...

Be sure to feed them all separately, and give the Catahoula a "safe place" she can go to relax while she's still the "new gal in town". Keep an eye on their interactions, watch body postures. Respect the hierarchy that they'll create...ie: give treats in order of rank if you can.

It's really too much to write here...see links below for some much better info!

Introducing new dog?



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