Sunday, November 22, 2009

What could be wrong with my dog?

After a bath she has been licking herself so much that she pukes. She has been loosing tons of hair and has diareaha. What could this be?

What could be wrong with my dog?

If you have used human shampoo on your dog she may be having an allergic reaction to it. Dogs can be quite sensitive with some chemicals on their skin and since they don't shampoo in nature this may cause them to itch and loose their fur.

If she is licking herself and swallowing all that hair with the chemicals it's not surprising that she got diarrhea.

You should bath her without using any products or your vet may recommend one to help with the hair loss.

What could be wrong with my dog?

Those symptoms do not sound good. You should really call your vet right away. She might have worms. Some times dogs lick a lot if they have worms.

What could be wrong with my dog?

Why do people ask horribly sad questions about their pets and wait and wait and ask questions on yahoo instead of taking the animal that they made a vow to take care of and wait till the dog is so sick? Why? If that was you would you want someone to wait and ask on yahoo? Get the dog to the vet.

What could be wrong with my dog?

what ever it is we can not help you cure it she needs a vet now.

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