Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

He is gone for a month for work and I have to take care of her. My dogs have never had this bad of a situation w/fleas. Frontline does not work on her and is quite expensive to even try again since I'm broke. Advantix does not work on my dogs, but frontline does for them. For her what should I do? She has these hot spots and has lost all of the hair near her "pee hole" and her back legs.

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

Here is good info about hot spots.


Use some cortizone on the hot spots after giving a cool (not cold) bath. Treat the fleas as best you can until your boyfriend gets back and then get him to take care of it more permanently. If the majors don't work then you may have to try other methods. Try treatments from a tractor supply or farm supply store. Call around for new ideas. Best of luck.

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

take her to the vet

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

Now I could be wrong but hot spots I thought weren't connected with fleas? Not sure though, but my two shelties recently had this problem and it wasn't fleas. They were itching and losing their hair, they had a couple fleas but not much at all. It was because they are allergic to something in our new house and the heat (not very cool in here) was bothering them. They were starting to really itch and lose their hair. I bought this stuff called Pet Relief Anti Itch spray I found at Petsmart for $10 and oddly enough it really worked.

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

you say hot spots then you start talking about fleas, so I'm a bit confused, in any case, i would take her to the groomer, if she does have fleas they can do a flea dip, and if its just hot spots, the best thing i know is to shave the area, or if its something else perhaps they can gIve you an idea what. as for getting rid of fleas ive had good luck with advantage

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

Consider changing food. Food allergies are common causes for skin problems.

Go to naturapet.com for more info. They have the best dog food availible. My dog is very allergic, and I feed California Natural Lamb and Rice and I have only good things to say about it. They also have a Skin and Coat supplement that works great. I mean, from constantly breaking out and cortizone shots to healthy coat in weeks. I can't say enough. It is worth a try.

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

If the dog is staying outside it could be picking up more fleas. The Frontline and Advantix is probably working. You just keep picking up more fleas. Treat outside especially in shaded areas around bushes and such If you agree.

This sounds like flea dermatitis with a secondary infection to the wounds.

Really the very best thing to do is take the dog to the Vet. He needs a shot and a round of antibiotics for the secondary infection he probably has.

The dog needs some help. You must get it the help it needs.

Does your boyfriend call? You can tell him the problem and that the dog needs to go to the Vets Office.

You can look for fleas and kill them everyday and Adams Flea Mist will help you kill the fleas you find. Pick the fleas off and put them in water with a little dish soap in it or just alcohol in the small jar.

If you brush the dog starting on its back [you can put a little spray up there and a little down the legs to help] and work down you can herd the fleas to it belly and then put the flea spray on them. be sure you remove the fleas so the dog will not eat them. Some can spread tape worm if eaten.

Don't get the spray on the raw skin.

If you have used flea treatment be sure the spray you get is ok to use everyday and safe to use with the treatment. Ask the Vet and/or read.

How do I treat my boyfriends' dog w/hot spots?

what some call hot spots are actually mange. if you keep the dog OUTSIDE, get some used transmission oil and spread it over the dog. this smothers the mange parasite, which live off the dogs hair folicle. other than this, the only option left is spending money for the vet; shots,dips, pills. the oil really works. ask an old timer dog lover.

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