I'm not sure why, but only one ear (always the left one) gets bad. I clean them often %26amp; am careful not to get water in there when I bathe her, but the black gunk that comes out is awful. The other ear is clean as a whistle. I'm taking her to the vet today %26amp; they'll probably do a deep cleaning (pulling all the hair out also) and then give meds like they did last time. Why is this one ear such a problem %26amp; what can I do other than squirt the ear cleaner (even have tried rubbing alchol on q-tips to dry it up) and and normal cleaning??? Can she just be proned to having an ear problem? Any ideas?
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
I have golden with a thyroid problem and a punky ear too. I share your problem.
This time of year is especially bad because thyroid dogs tend to have more seasonal allergies and allergies trigger ear infections. I check my dogs' ears almost daily to see how things are looking.
The best thing I've found to do is to keep a bottle of Oti-Clens ear cleaner from my vet on hand and clean his ears regularly - at least once a week, especially in springtime. I don't use Q-tips for fear of puncturing the eardrum, but I use a soft washcloth to wipe out as much as the gunk as I can and I encourage him to shake his head to loosen up the muck. If you clean when he doesn't have an infection, chances are the infection won't get started.
Of course, when the infection does happen, I have tons of Tri-Otic on hand to treat the ear. It's happened often enough that I keep the supplies on hand and self-treat now without going to the vet. If it doesn't start clearing up quickly (like within a few days), then we go to the vet. Good luck.
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
yes..constant ear problems and infections...you might talk to your vet about putting tubes in her ears...it's pretty much done the same way as a humane....
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
Dogs ears are very sensitive so be very careful about what you put in there. Only use products that have been prescribed or recommended by you vet. Q-tips are tiny so I'd avoid those too, they may be making it worse. If she has very long hair in her ears and this is causing a problem could a pet groomer trim her ears for you?
Some dogs are more prone than others. Cleaning them regularly will help but may not cure.
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
Sounds like a food allergy to me. Been there,done that. Find a food with little to no grains and see the improvement. Corn is usually the culprit but other grains are a common cause of allergies that cause recurrent yeast infections in dogs ears. Does your dog chew its paws too?
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
She's probably super sensitive to things like wind..(my vet said my dog more than likely gets hers in her "one ear" due to the fact that she goes for car rides and the wind can bother it and cause infection).
Could be ear mites this time too. They usually cause a really nasty blackish gunk as well.
Yeah, she'll get the lovely drops again and the flush. Maybe the medicine that takes care of ear mites.
And..yes...she probably is just really sensitive in that ear.
Hope she feels better soon!!
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
Some dog breeds are more prone to infection then others. I had a Basset Hound that constantly had ear infections, partially due to the size of their ears and the fact that he constantly dragged them everywhere.
Even with constant maintenance, he had to be seen by the vet every few mos. or so to get medication.
If it's mite related, then the problems can reoccur depending on the stage of cycle of the mites themselves. Your vet will probably do a follow-up exam on the dog once medication has been administered, if this is the case.
Ear problems can also lead to secondary infections, which are caused from bacteria. I wouldn't use Que-tips or alcohol to clean out the dog's ears as you can easily rupture and cause more problems in the long run.
Special mineral oil and soft cotten balls will help to break up the dried debris.
Your vet will find the best solution to the problem.
Don't be afraid to ask your veterinarian these questions and to express your concerns! They are there to help you!
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
It sounds like she's prone to infections. Possibly there's a blockage in the one ear since it's just one ear. Ask your vet if Debrox could be used on a dog.
Also, since she gets them recurrently, ask if you should give her a longer course of antibiotics, or a super dose of antibiotics during the treatment?
I had a kitten who kept getting sick and the vet allowed me to keep an extra dosage of antibiotics on hand to start her on when the next infection set in. I only needed this about twice, and she finally outgrew the tendency.
Hopefully your dog will also.
For alcohol or ear cleaner they have for dogs, you need to put the dog on her other side with the bad ear up, and literally pour the alcohol or drops in the ear. You must keep her from moving for 5 to 8 minutes to give it a chance to clean up the mess in her ear.
Bubbling ear drops will work best. They'll go in and bubble it clean.
you'll have to pin her down. She's NOT going to cooperate.
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
Two of my dogs have chronic ear problems. Both of them began after taking them to a groomer..( getting water in their ears) What the vet gave me is helpful, and keeps it at bay for a while, but never totally clears it up. (Neo-predef, oti-max and oti-soothe)
However, I added a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the bottle of stuff my vet gives, and it helped even more. but after a couple of months, it needed retreated. I bought a 2 ounce bottle of pure emu oil (from ebay) and used an eyedropper full in each ear each week. It solved the problem.
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
It could be that when treating the ears for the infection, the one was worse than the other and the antibiotics weren't given long enough for both ears to be equally cleared up. If you don't get rid of the infection entirely, i'll come back easily.
The emu oil interests me.. I have a female with recurring ear problems and haven't heard of the Emu Oil... Tried everything else .. Thanks for the tip Chetco!
My dog keeps getting an ear infection?
have you had ear sex with your dog?
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