Sunday, November 22, 2009

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

He's black and brown, little 10 month old puppy. So far we have a couple ideas:

Rufio [not sure how to spell it, but the guy with the mohawk/multi colored hair fom Hook, with Robin Williams]






My dad will be the final answer on any name. I am really surprised he didn't mind Frodo, cause he always makes fun of LOTR, but just to keep in mind, he's gotta like it. He didn't go for Ringo, which I really like .... Anyways!

Thanks for answering!

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

Well first off he's not a miniature doberman pinscher, he's a min pin the breeds have no relations. The min pin is not a tiny version on the Doberman, they just happen to look like miniature versions, as well as the Manchester Terrier. You should name your own dog, not let someone else pick it out for you. You should watch his behavior and habits and see what you come up with.

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

How about Hank?

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

I like the name Bullet.

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

I think you could call your puppy "Killer". Since he is small, it would be a funny name for people to enjoy. Good luck!

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

Because i love alchahol

call him Rum or


A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

How about Brownie? Or make up a name with a good ring to it, something unusual.

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

Dee-O-She ... said out loud and fast it is neat, but you are really spelling dog.

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

Rufio or frodo

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

Blackie, thunderstorm, bullet, peanut. Think of something creative!!!

A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?


A few name ideas for my dog? He's a miniature Doberman Pinscher ...?

so you should name it like a character from a cartoone tv show ect choose something you sincerly like something thta you and your dog will like good luck

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