I am deciding between a chihuahua (long or short hair?), yorkie or silky terrier, a Brittany, Border collie, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or a German Shepherd. Help!
What dog....?
TOO many breeds today have been bred merely for the show ring, so their hair is a NIGHTMARE to care for. So you have to really think about do you want a hair nightmare? Grooming is necessary with yorkies and silkies, and that costs $$$$.
Border Collies are not for everyone- they are VERY VERY energetic and need tons and tons of running and exercise every day. And they are not a dog for first time dog owners at all.
German Shepherds are the same- they need experienced owners for training them. Also- their hair is a super nightmare indoors, it'll be floating in the air everywhere and I mean it.
Chi's are VERY cute, very easy to care for. Just be sure to get them NOT from a puppy mill or you can end up with one with bad health woes.
I guess I would say the chi! Just for ease of care.
What dog....?
A yorkie of course. Signed Ajay's (yorkshire terrior) mom.
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border collie border collie border collie.
What dog....?
be safe and get a labrador
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I suggest a yorkie. i have one. their adorable, friendly, sweet, playful, they love excercise. very easy to train. I love her. She also gets along with my other new puppy, shes a weimerainer. There both really good dogs, and my neighbor has two brittany's there great dogs, but i suggest training them.
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my parents have a Brittany is he is such a lovey dog. he just wants you to pet him all the time. you might also want to look up some info about springer spaniels they make great pets. that is what i was raised with. they are very loyal, friendly, and lovely dogs. i would suggest you look up the information about all the breeds you are talking about because they all are very different and unique. Good Luck
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border collies
super smart and soo pretty love them so much!
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Here is a great site to help you to figure out what kind of dog you want! You can also adopt a dog and they will love you for saving their life!
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yorkie or a german shepard
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My choice would be the Border Collie. They are great dogs. Good with kids, animals, etc. Very loyal.
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Wow you have one extreme to the other. I am partial to short hair Chihuahua and Border Collie. Good Luck with your decision!
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what about a french brittany!!! Veryvery cute and on the smaller side! http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/frenchbritta...
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border collies are very smart but they can be very much a "one owner dog". If you have multiple family members in the house you may want to consider that. I'm sure there are exceptions, just something to keep in mind.
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I'd go with the yorkie or the german shepherd.
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Personally, I think you should get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I wouldn't recommend a Chihuahua or a German Shepherd to a first time dog owner. And dogs like Brittnay Spaniels and Yorkies require tons of grooming. Whatever you choose to get, good luck!
What dog....?
which one would fit your lifestyle better? if you have a farm go with a border collie or GSD. both are working breeds and need to be busy.
if you have an apartment you'll want a smaller dog like the yorkie. but do you have the time to deal with the brushing it'll need on a daily basis?
personally, i find shelter dogs work best for me.
What dog....?
Sorry I can only narrow it down to 3. I like those dogs too.
Border Collie
German Shepherd
King Charles Cavalier
That's the order I would put them in or hey maybe get all 3 if you can. lol.
Good luck!
What dog....?
Theres factors that you need to consider.
Space, income and how much your willing to exercise.
A BC, CKCS and a GS need lots of space and a hell of a lot of exercise (I have a BC and they can run 70km in a day).
If you want a dog indoors and it to be on your lap go for the smaller breeds. Once you've decided on a lap-dog or a run-around-lots-of-excerise-dog narrow it down to the dogs you like the most. Decide colour, usual temperment, how much it barks and eats etc.
Hope this helps :)
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you've picked some awesome breeds, however, don't forget your daily activities and if they can include your dog! for instance, if you live in an apartment and get a BC make sure you take him out a few times a day for plenty of excersize! they are a herding dog that become 'cage crazy' with lack of mind stimulation. the brittany spaniel, tho from a different group, may also require more physical needs than the smaller ones you've listsed -- as well as the shepherd!
also, remember the larger you go the more food (and poo) you will have to buy (and pick up)! there is a special diet out there for GSD because they tend to have sensitive tummies.
if you buy from a breeder ask plenty of questions and see what shots and garantee they offer. if you don't like the answers move on to another breeder and be patient! you have the right to know what sort of environment your (sometimes pricey) baby is coming from!!
you've picked some excellent breeds for a single, couple, or family environment ---
which one you want is really up to you!!
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Well really is depends on if u want a protective dog, herding dog, or toy dog.. Which one do u want the most? I think if i were u id go w/ a border collie or a german shepherd. A german shepherd would be a great dog because its protective and pretty loyal. A border collie is hyper, entergetic, and very loyal..... I would exactly pick a brittney but thats just me..... also think about this- german shepherds are gonna cost more in the long run because they eat more... Id pick out of these breeds cause i personaly like bigger dogs..
but anyways good luck!!!! And have fun... also hink about if where u live sells theses breeds so u dont have to go 2 far 2 et the dog of ur dreams....
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i think you should get a yorkie or a silky terrier
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The best companion would be a labrador retreiver.
What dog....?
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